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Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Predictions and Forecast: Warning Shot Fired Across The Bow

As we wrap up 2011 with a large atmosphere of uncertainty, I hope to portray to you what implications we face in 2012 in relation to political, geo-political, economical, and social terms.

The year 2011 was highlighted by massive financial influence at the federal and inter-governmental levels. We saw the placement of bankers into unelected bureaucracy positions around the world, predominantly in Europe, as all of the positions in North America seem to be occupied already by their brothers and sisters of mass financial rape and fraud. The reason for the banker position selection is to form world government, period. It has become apparent to the commoner around the world that the point is there is too much debt instead of liquidity issues as your government(s) and the financial sector want you to believe. The debt concerns of sovereign nations, financial institutions, as well as the EU were put on the world stage. Thanks to the internet the perpetual fraud of these bankster created debts has been brought to light by many financial dignitaries, brokers, bloggers, and forecasters. We are currently living in a world where everyone is at risk and nobody is immune to the decisions that the banksters make. The key has been the creation of debt through derivatives and bond issuance spanning over the past decade which was marked by a housing bubble, high leveraging, and predatory lending. This black hole of derivatives of an estimated $1.5 quadrillion has been allowed to run up through deregulated statutes and governmental free wheeling. The public becomes fleeced through austerity as the banksters and politicians have turned democracy into cleptocracy. Also, the public has been made to believe that this is their debt. Fortunately for the world's sake countries such as Iceland cast the banksters off of their island from further destruction and have refused to pay the IMF as well as large Anglo-American banks. When economies are destroyed, the public has every inclination to try to survive and revive themselves against political economic rule.

After the world watched Silvio Berlusconi resign, he was succeeded by an unelected banker in Mario Monti. Monti just passed further austerity measures in an overwhelming vote that will cripple what is left of Europe's largest economy, Italy. This will not help the economy of Italy and will stagnate it further. Along with the banker occupation of Europe we see David Cameron of the UK who is openly supportive of the corporation, THE CITY OF LONDON, and all of the city's financial conglomerates. He believes that THE CITY OF LONDON must be the epicentre of financial dichotomy to institute the wishes of the Bank of England's policies as well as the banks within THE CITY's policies. Forget about the people, their standard of living, and their wishes which have been clearly put away and locked up into the abyss and have been placed under the thumbs of the banksters. The UK has been plundered and raped enough already, but further austerity implications are already in the works as the politicians place their hands tighter and tighter around the necks of the public. The likes of Mario Draghi head of the ECB, Georges Papandreou former PM of Greece, Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany, and Nikolas Sarkozy President of France; have all brought the EU to the point of no return. The only solution is North American intervention in the form of currency swaps. These swaps are more or less the creation of currency and credit by the Federal Reserve in the United States, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank. To further understand the effects of what is going on one must look at how this game of currency and credit merry-go-round is taking place. The ECB cannot buy it's own debt unlike the Federal Reserve and is forbidden to do so as stated in EU law. It cannot monetize itself into debt free prosperity because of the interest and inflationary consequences associated with such measures. So it has to be saved by the western banks just mentioned. These banks are buying Euros at the expense of currency and credit creation. They print off or electronically create their respective currencies such as the US dollar and then decide to buy Euros. Let's use this example, if the Euro is sitting at say $1.25 US, then the Federal Reserve is spending $0.25 more for every dollar it creates by buying the Euro in exchange. This creates a larger reserve for the ECB to sell bonds and provide liquidity while the Federal Reserve is providing an initial $500 billion and may lend $1 trillion at rates close to 0.25% to the ECB in order to keep the issue of debt bailed out and liquid. This is highly inflationary and is currently legal, but is an unlawful practice which is to the detriment to the people of Canada, the US, England, Japan, and Switzerland as well as the people of Europe. They have all decided to debase and devalue their currencies as the public picks up the tab through the hidden tax of inflation when they go to the grocery store, pay their utility bills, pay their mortgages, etc. You get the picture. This is of great importance and must be exposed for what it is, A PONZI SCHEME! Why is this a ponzi scheme you ask? There are two reasons why. Let's start with the Federal Reserve because it is the largest contributor and the US dollar is still the world's reserve currency. The first reason is that the Congress of the US has not authorized the swaps which are at their core, bailouts. This is a contravention of law in the US and there is not a peep about it coming from Congress indicating that the Obama administration is set on devaluing the dollar. The second reason this is a ponzi scheme is the ECB then takes this money and provides it to the too big to fail banks to buy bonds while the ECB and the Federal Reserve add toxic debts to their balance sheets. These toxic debts are primarily derivatives in the form of CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations) and MBSs (Mortgage Backed Securities), both of which have a convoluded array of sub-credit and mortgage junk speculated in value and packaged with a smile and a lie. The worst part of this is the public gets to pay for it as it lands on the balance sheet of the Fed and the ECB and they are listed as assets now in which both central banks will use that to issue bonds and the recipient European banks will over leverage and speculate with again potentially up to 30% over and above. You cannot put shat in between two pieces of bread and call it a sandwich, this is what they are doing while posing as financial saviours and experts and only they know how to make a shat sandwich and call it a good deal.  European Stability Mechanism is the EU's inter-governmental powergrab to take away the sovereignty of each nation and the people of Europe are extremely upset about this, so they should be because it's the bankers and bureaucrats empire with restrictions placed on the participant countries who will no longer be able to regulate and control their nation's currency and credit. 

The Bank of Canada is currently undergoing a large effort to de-leverage Canadian banks from over leveraged positions. These banks include Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of Montreal, and Toronto Dominion. After large profits in the year 2011, these banks are being cautioned to scale back on their derivatives and financial vehicle exposures. The Bank of Canada is intent on keeping interest the same for a while as they and the rest of the Canadian banks estimate and report limited growth in GDP and the economy around 1.5-2.5%. This may even be bullish on their part as unemployment gradually rises and Canadian household debt rises to 151% on average per Canadian. The Bank of Canada and it's governor, Mark Carney, however have just had a class action lawsuit filed against it by Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galanti, representing the plaintiffs William Krehm and Ann Emmet, and COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform). The suit was filed in Court of Queen's Bench on December 12, 2011, which is the federal court in Canada. The full-on class action lawsuit is brought forth under the regulatory authority of the people of Canada through Parliament to create and issue it's own currency once again. The plaintiffs allege that the Bank of Canada Act has been violated and subverted by private international bankster interests in the Bank of International Settlements, the Financial Stability Forum, and the International Monetary Fund. The challenge is long overdue and represents the potential for the people of Canada to gain control of it's currency and credit creation to whom it properly belongs. This would constitute financing at 0% interest to provincial and municipal governments and allow them to re-invest the currency and credit back into the local economies. Many Canadian provinces are unfortunately forced with having continued borrowing costs due to interest in order to fund their public programs in turn forcing federal intervention and taxation. If the plaintiffs do not win this case in a Constitutional Challenge it may represent further insolvency in many Canadian provinces in the times ahead. The results of course would be higher taxes and austerity in order to "solve" the debts. We all know those two measures will not work as we see European countries imploding from within with reverse economic growth and financial decline. This case needs to be won by the plaintiffs and every Canadian should take notice to it in order to support their own financial freedom in the future. The problem with the court system in Canada is that the Crown has a direct conflict of interest because it owns the court system as everything is done "In Right of the Crown". The Bank of Canada's main financial coffers are the Bank of England and their loyalty to the Crown is unmatched. The bankers along with the Crown will not want to give up their private monopoly known as the Bank of Canada which they call "independent". If this ends up in the Supreme Court of Canada there is enough firepower on part of the Harper government to quash it as many of the Justices of the Peace in the Supreme Court are hand-picked by Stephen Harper and have had some very detrimental rulings as of late, violating the Constitution Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Let's hope we can chalk up a point for team Canada on this suit and that the plaintiffs win. This story needs all of the exposure it can get.

2011 has also been highlighted by geo-political regime change across the middle east and northern Africa. The Arab Spring has brought about a large public dissent against occupying dictators with the help of western intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6. The whole point of having an embassy in another country is primarily to spy and plan espionage, counterintelligence, and reconnaissance operations. If a country has an embassy set up in another country, the first country is likely coveting the resources of the host country. One way to eventually gain control of these foreign resources is to stage coups and color revolutions and finance them well in a full-on media whitewash. The media is used to portray dictators as "dictators"-ugly or brutal, and that the people of the host country want to overthrow the dictator from his "oppressive regime". This has been going on for centuries. It is a tactic called divide and conquer. The desired effect is usually to have the Anglo-American corporations and governments go in and scoop up public resources and privatize them while building permanent military bases in the area threatening neighboring nations. The other option is to sanction a country into total economic and social chaos until there are riots in the streets due to sanctions being imposed on central banks, food rationing, and/or sanctions on imported necessities. Does this sound familiar? We saw this with Iraq and now we are seeing it with Iran and their central bank. In 1953 in Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown in a CIA-led effort because of this strategy. We saw Gaddafi taken out in a brutal NATO-led attack as the insurgents placed in to fight were Al-Qiada rebels and have created a genocidal civil war as British, American, French, Australian, and Canadian interests have taken over Libya's resources - gold, oil, and fresh water. If there is a dictator that does not want to play ball, they simply install another one that has pro-western interests and will do anything to his people to receive a payoff from the banker interests. There will be more of this in 2012 as we see Syria, Iran, and Pakistan coming under fire in the exact same fashion. The US and Israel will likely provoke Iran into some sort of attack or anti Anglo-American policy. This has huge implications of nuclear and thermo-nuclear war across the world as Iran and Syria are both allied with China and Russia and have indirect access to nuclear weapons as China and Russia back them up. Some such as Lyndon Larouche, estimate that this major WWIII could take place during or after the US presidential elections. The only candidate who is trying to prevent this from happening is Presidential Candidate, Congressman Ron Paul who must be compared to John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the Cold War era, who prevented a nuclear war with the USSR by talking with Nikita Kruschev rather than lambasting him on an international scale like the current other Republican presidential candidates. Kennedy was also in the process of placing the Federal Reserve under the authority of the treasury, one more reason why he was assassinated and why Ron Paul must be protected from this threat.  Alienation and defamatory libel against enemies does not help the people in any country. The threat of this war is so large and must be disavowed and discouraged at all levels. The banker-owned media is hellbent on pushing us to war as the whole game plan of the establishment seems to be "look here, not there". Usually wars are created to divert attention from financial calamity and that's exactly what we face right now. If the people do not vote for Ron Paul, the constitutional republic of the United States dies, bankers go un-jailed and un-executed, and there may even be millions if not billions worldwide that die in nuclear and thermo-nuclear warfare. These people are evil, sick, and perverted and they must be stopped from molesting planet Earth in their own psycho and sociopathological lust.

There is a bit of hope in the air though! Along with Ron Paul comes his constitutional platform which endorses liberty and freedom and the public is awakening to the message of how humanity has endured. This is not just limited to the US, but worldwide people see his ideas emerge along with Samarus in Greece. There is a new kind of Renaissance emerging around the world as people exchange information to one another and grow via the airwaves, the internet, and any other media platform. It's truly a remarkable thing to see! The public is waking up to the banker occupation that has so bankrupted and indebted the world to indentured servitude. People are saying "NO!" to the banks and the ruling class in an effort to help their fellow man. This is why the elitists and politicians want to control, regulate, and shutdown the internet at will. The Occupy Wall Street movement has sprung up around the world as dissention is being directed against the people who control the financial and political landscape. This dissent must happen. Although there are some financiers behind the scenes and other financial notables who discourage the Occupy movement, the movement is still beneficial to humanity because it finally brings people together from all walks of life to discuss important issues and to have a voice. If educated, libertarian, revolutionary leaders emerge from this movement it will have a more concerted effort in stopping the Federal Reserve from it's agenda and many wars potentially. There is a large effort however to impose socialistic and communistic measures on the public through the solutions provided by some of the Occupiers who believe in nothing more than entitlement. Hopefully they do not have any effect, but instead wake up to the real paradigm they face with their proposed and unsustainable solutions. This next year in 2012 will be marked by increase riots and food shortages. Poverty and crime will escalate as inflation continues to outpace income at an alarming rate. There will be more police state measures to quell dissent. One fresh note to point out is the fact that many influential people in the military refuse to detain or harm citizens. In the US the National Defense Authorization Act which has provisions in it to label anyone a suspected terrorist and indefinitely detain them without charge or trial. We will likely see many in the US start to be detained around or after election time. This is another story that needs absolute exposure. The US Government wants to use the military to carry these detentions out, whether they succeed or not, we cannot say for sure as time can only tell. I believe it will be hard and pointless for the military to violate the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights and go against a large armed American public. Nevertheless, the public will be faced with some trying choices in 2012 as they lose their jobs and their families go hungry.

The move to consolidate public and private resources is being undertaken currently by governments and bankers throughout the world. It will be evidently more so in 2012. There will be higher inflation. Closing out 2011, the US experience a real inflation rate of 11.4% from a year earlier. That number is likely to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30% in 2012. Followed by larger inflation in 2013 in Q1, Q2, and Q3 with consequent hyperinflation in 2014-2015. Hyper deflation will follow that as the world goes into full blown depression. Oh, come on now this can't be true can it? Time will tell, but all of the indications point in that direction. Greece will likely default in March of 2012 and leave the EU along with other European countries such as the UK. Investment demand leaving Europe will drive up the USD likely until the autumn of 2012.  The G20 will advance resolutions to create a global currency and/or banking system as 2012 becomes the year of globalist threat.  New Federal Reserve notes may come into effect to absolve debt woes from the mass financial crisis.  Commodities and precious metals will be subject to manipulation, less brokerage reporting, and fraud so don't be disappointed if we experience several attempts to attack the commodities and precious metals like we did 2 weeks ago as well as May 1, 2011. It's just something we are going to have to expect as everybody must get their hands on gold and silver related assets, preferably physical coins and bullion to save their butts from future inflation that is going to come. Hopefully the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) and large financial luminaries such as Bill Murphy, Mike Maloney, Eric Sprott, Max Keiser, and Bob Chapman as well as any other writers, bloggers, or tv hosts/guests can continue to influence the public and expose manipulative forces like the US Government, JPM, and HSBC. The Dow Jones Industrial Average will likely be propped-up between 10,500-14,500 points as they try to keep the markets afloat to give the illusion that Obama and the other leaders of Europe are doing their best as many countries face elections.  The time to prepare is now.  Make sure you and your family eliminate any and all debts, have at least 6 months worth of food supply, a private and continual water source of some sort - be it a filter or otherwise, enough cash on hand away from your bank, and a means of self defense just in case.

May we all prosper from honest money, good health, good family, peace, and abundance in 2012 as we count our wealth by our ability to achieve, educate, and free our brothers and sisters across the world in a year of divine love that every free human on earth so deserves.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Illusions of Financial Stability

First of all, this article is long overdue and I would like to apologize for that.

Canadian Consumer Debt Grows, Gold and Silver Manipulation, Spending Up, Currency Swaps, and the Death of Kim Jong Il
Canadians have been accumulating more and more debt as the nationwide economy weakens. 

There is however an exception currently in Alberta and Saskatchewan with ongoing oil exploration, drilling, and production.  Saskatchewan is vastly becoming the major province of prosperity due to the ongoing oilfield activity.  Also, SK is experiencing a larger demand in housing as many people from other provinces are now looking for work and are working in SK.  Oil and gas service companies are limited in SK due to the current demand on the increased activity across the province.  It has become difficult to get service companies with oil companies waiting longer than expected to provide drilling intervention services as well as production services such as well fracturing and providing pipe.  Most of these services are still being provided by companies in Alberta with offices and service shops in the major centers of Edmonton, Red Deer, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat, and Calgary.  With most of the activity in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan, oil companies are not only having to wait extended periods for services, but are also having to pay more due to the limited supply of services and mileage charges coming from Alberta.  The blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline which was supposed to have gone through the heart of Saskatchewan has now forced oil companies to transport oil by truck from SE Sask across province into Alberta to facilities that can store, ship, and process the crude from the Bakken field.  Oil batteries are becoming filled rapidly and must be continually emptied as oil companies look to continue to cash in on oil priced near $100/barrel USD.  This has undoubtedly increased bottom lines and spending of the oil companies' revenue.  Although it may be sustainable with an oil price above $85/barrel now, there is definitely a need for facilities in SE Saskatchewan to be constructed as there is no evidence of slowing in the production and drilling of this field in the next 3 years.  This oil production is not limited to Saskatchewan alone, there are also still many areas that are experiencing heavy drilling in Alberta, Manitoba, and neighboring North Dakota which is proposing to abolish the state property tax due to oilfield revenues and state bank independence. 

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been heavily critical of President Obama's decision to block the deal of the Keystone XL pipeline and has "threatened" that Canada will sell it's oil to other countries instead of the US.  If this takes effect, demand in oil in the US could increase from it's supply being limited to Asian and Arab countries.  Of course this could be political showmanship as well, which it likely is. Canada is the largest exporter of oil to the United States currently.  This would make sense for the US to buy Canadian oil as the USD is currently higher than the Canadian dollar and will likely continue to be higher for the next year or so as European debt problems go unresolved.  This renewed faith in the USD is of course superficial, but just happens to be the illusion of choice amid current economic and financial woes for investors to flock to.  The USD is of course overinflated and will continue to be as we see US GDP decline and US debt continue to increase over the next 5 years unless Ron Paul is elected as President. 

Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has been on a recent surge in polls in Iowa as Newt Gingrich's interest drops.  Some polls suggest Paul is either ahead by a point or behind by a point, but one thing is certain is that Paul is gaining momentum faster than any other candidate in Iowa.  The establishment media is not used to the idea of supporting a presidential candidate who tells it like it is and isn't flippant.  They are currently trying to use every trick in the book to discredit Dr. Paul sinking to depths only the mainstream establishment media can.  Of course the mainstream media is owned by the same financial institutions and transnational corporations such as General Electric that feel threatened under Paul's proposal for transparency into Federal Reserve lending, subsidy, and carries trade.  This is why they are attacking him at every possible angle and are having a hard time trying to discredit him, so they simply are either just making things up as they go along or are trying to pervert his non-interventionist views on foreign policy and national security.  If Paul wins in Iowa it will further give him support needed to win in New Hampshire despite what NBC pundit and disinformation agent Rachel Maddow says about Dr. Paul.  Paul has been the most consistent candidate in the past 10 years as evidence by his platform and voting record.  If he doesn't become president then the US is headed for some rough depressionary times ahead as Canada and Mexico will likely see an increase in US citizens defecting to those bordering countries.  However, the current Obama administration is making it more difficult for US citizens to leave with legislation such as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the Patriot Act.  It is clear that if it becomes harder to leave the US that the establishment is preparing for chaos and economic peril as the threat of detainment camps are continuing to be built and actually opened.  This could mean that non-citizens in the US as well as foreign born citizens may be the first to be detained under suspicion without trial indefinitely, initially.  To understand what this threat means, some suggest that it will be gradually phased in and presented as a place to live for the homeless as well as provide the perceived illusion of safety for families who become impoverished and are left starving.  The camps will be sold as a safe place to go until they will become increasingly used to detain more and more political dissidents, writers, patriots, constitutionalists, etc. until many Americans become detained in mass.  This is how previous governments have operated around the world.  An oncoming and gradual decline in markets and economy is ever present and will likely last until 2013-2015 before a major economic collapse comes unless there is a run or bankruptcy of a large US bank such as Bank of America or JP Morgan Chase.

TD Bank has recently come out with a forecast on December 14, 2011 that shows Canada's economic outlook is dismal heading into 2012.  The report has concluded that "the unemployment rate climbed to 7.4% in November, after hitting a 3-year low of 7.1% in September.  Meanwhile, wage growth has not kept up with inflation, putting additional strain on Canadian households. Both businesses and consumers appear to be ending 2011 on a more cautious note."  They project unemployment will likely climb to 7.5-8% by the second half of 2012.  They have also made the case for .90CAD to 1USD due to weakening exports out of Canada to the US.  Unemployment is likely to be higher than 7.5-8% in 2012 unofficially and TD fails to present the very real possibility that the EU will be dissolved by the end of 2012 into 2013, possibly sooner.  There may be an increase in GDP in some nations for 2012, but it will be few and far between as China will see it's exports decrease as EU austerity and EU debt continue with demand for Chinese slave goods reduced as the standard of living starts it's sharp decline in Europe.  Wholesale, manufacturing, and utility GDP in Canada are expected to decline further as more and more businesses cannot justify increasing prices for their products in the jobless-growth economy.  This is going on while real inflation is outpacing income as more and more Canadians become impoverished and utility companies raise rates and fees over the winter months of 2011 into 2012.  British Columbia has been under a stranglehold of perpetual debt with it increasing from $33.8 billion in 2001 to $45 billion currently.  Ontario is by far the champion of debt in Canada as it has $190 in cummulative debt with approximately 4.5 times the population of BC.  Canada's private central bank, the Bank of Canada, is now focused on deleveraging, reconstructing, and inflation measures to maintain price stability according to the Governor of the BOC, Mark Carney in a statement published on Dec. 10, 2011.  It is apparent that he expects the potential of social unrest and the BOC is prepared to provide liquidity to failing markets in Canada if need be.  Once more giving the illusion that somehow you can solve the problem of debt with more debt in order to prop GDP up in order for people worldwide to invest in Canada.  Of course this is Keynesian economics and does not solve anything.  Most establishment rags in Canada still project there will be growth in 2012 albeit slow. 

About a week ago today, gold, silver, and platinum were attacked once again by TPTB in the US government amid MF Global uncertainty now that CEO Jon Corzine has been caught lying under oath about customer accounts.  Silver was reduced to $28.80 USD ($29.89 CAD) per ounce and gold being brutally attacked down as low as $1570.60 USD ($1624.90 CAD) per ounce.  They have both successfully baselined now and have returned back to the upward trend, naturally.  Amid global financial uncertainty TPTB felt they had to knock down the commodities, especially the precious metals in order to present to the world that the Euro currency crisis will be resolved soon and that the USD will be a safe haven for years to come.  They have done this in order to set a psychological barrier against the massive increase in investment demand and gold and silver brokers have seen very little people trying to sell their physical.  Buying has been up extremely high in the gold and silver physical brokerage and will remain high due to the public's awakening of the mass financial deleveraging and deflation and inflation woes.  When you have banks such as JPM, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank calling for $2500 gold and $65 silver by the end of the year, one has to wonder about their interest in positions and holdings and what they seek to gain or benefit from producing such information.  They have been deliberately discreditted to discourage investors from fleeing their currencies and paper assets to the real money in gold and silver.  There is the likelihood now that large numbers of people are uncertain of gold and silver related assets potential due to this psychological barrier that has been set, but it will be short lived as the end of January 2012 and February 2012 will show some large price increases evidencing the ongoing paper fraud and manipulation these banks among others are partaking in with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.  We know that currency swaps between banks such as the BOE, BOC, Fed, BOS, and others are taking place to provide liquidity to Europe while the citizens lose their purchasing power to the devaluing exchange of the swaps.  The BOC and the Fed have made it perfectly clear they will continue to see government and public spending increase.  Canadian household debt is currently overlevered at 151% of income.  Canadians are losing money as they have to spend more and borrow more in order to get by on their low wage earnings.

An unexpected death of Kim Jong Il, dictator of North Korea, has brought uncertainty to the Asian region as neighboring countries fear the implications of unrest, misdirection, and the increase of refugees.  Many North Koreans have been brainwashed by KJI and his government lauding him as savior of N. Korea in god-like fashion.  There will be many who are likely to feel helpless in N. Korea as they do not know of anything different as KJI brought guidance to his subjects, or so they feel.  It is a case of the Stockholm Syndrome at it's finest as KJI had absolute rule over all North Koreans.  There is some speculation that KJI was assassinated, but reports remain unconfirmed on this speculation.  One thing is certain is the fact that N. Korea is now leaderless, but the fears that Kim Jong Il's son may claim power over the country could spell disaster for the rest of the region and world. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Plans of Action and Intended Action: The Governments and Banks Are Getting More Destructive

Central banks plan to provide liquidity worldwide, the violation of law by supra-governmental powers, and conflict worldwide is ready to be unravelled like a ball of war.

The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Swiss National Bank announced on November 30, 2011 that they have contingencies in place to provide markets around the world with liquidity in a concerted effort should the situation arise amidst the global financial crisis. The plan is in place to start providing stimuli and bailouts at the same time on a worldly effect. These banks will all turn on their printing presses on que. One can conclude that the press release by the International Monetary Fund to provide the Exchange Stability Mechanism (ESM) with a bailout was a complete farce. The IMF does not have the credit available to provide the implied liquidity injection to the ESM. Congress in the US is looking to prevent further contribution to the IMF for this purpose. As Senator Tom Coburn said, "We're throwing good money after bad down a hole that I think is not a solvable problem. Europe is going to default eventually, so why would you socialize their profligate spending?." Fortunately, the IMF's desire for intervention will not hold any water in Congress. Not to mention the Constitution has no provisions in it to fund global banking oligarchies such as the EU and IMF. However, the foxes that guard the henhouse in the US Congress previously had provided bailouts to foreign banks such as Barclays, Societe de Generale, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, and the Royal Bank of Scotland through the Federal Reserve discount window in 2007-2008. Not too mention the US banks that provided loans after receiving bailouts to these foreign institutions as well as countless others. They did this to make a profit on their "free" near 0% money handed to them on a taxpayer platter. The Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve have decided to extend their expanded swap facility of $30 billion to August 1, 2012. This means the plan is in place to provide more funding (currency creation) to the swap facility should it be used up, similar to when a vehicle runs out of gasoline.

This new arrangement of dictatorial banker policy to decide to intervene at will can only mean one thing, disaster. Despite various press releases by these central banks proclaiming that liquidity is needed for markets and financing, this will eventually be disastrous for the world markets on the long side of things. They have also proclaimed that it will "protect households" in their intervention to stimulate markets by providing liquidity to the said markets. This is an absolute lie and each one of these private central banks know better. They know that the creation of currency and credit will temporarily keep markets for lack of a better word, afloat. This will be temporary in effect and will do nothing other than victimize household income as inflation will rage in the next year or two. How is that beneficial to households on their current declining household income? Factor in current inflation and it becomes a death sentence in Malthusian scenario. This will only spur commodity and food prices higher. We can all see the effects of inflation when we go to the grocery store, fill up our automobiles with fuel, and pay for Chinese slave goods manufactured from commodities such as steel. The savings of many people across Canada and the rest of the world is being diminished as governments perpetrate the crime of their liquidity lies. Everyone knows that interest rates for savings and retirement plans are discouraging enough that it doesn't make any sense to keep your cash in either of those short-sighted plans. Even if you have an annual gain of 3% somehow, you will still fall victim to inflation which is "officially" at 3% for Q3, thus leaving you with no incentive to leave your money at disposal to the banks. Real inflaiton is much higher, likely around 8-10% in Canada. So this begs the question, why on earth would you ever save something that loses value every year? In order to get ahead one has to invest in something that provides a yield of at least 10% annually. This is where commodities come into play, particularly gold and silver related assets in the form of coins, bullion, and shares. 

Jim Rogers recently said that gold is due for a correction down to $1500-1600 per oz before he starts buying. As brilliant as Jim Rogers is and as astounding as his billionaire status is, he is on the wrong side of history I feel. There is an important thing to understand about Jim Rogers, he is invested in the US dollar and lives for over-speculated market hedging through OTC derivatives. He is George Soros' primary partner. Soros being a financial terrorist who declares nation states as insolvent prior to their collapse in order to collapse them (ie. South Korea), relies on economic fallacy for him to profit as nation after nation goes begging to their enslavers in the IMF. In a recent interview with CNBC, Rogers claimed that gold is due for this correction because of it's 10 year yield. Look at the past 10 years for yourself and decide. Currencies have been inflated to the point of no return, new wars and conflicts have been created year after year in order to prop-up the USD, and the financial system has leveraged itself through derivatives exposure infinitely. So, what disposition does Jim Rogers have in economic uncertainty? It sounds like he is short gold and is betting against it in hopes his other investments pan out. Rogers also gambles in the commidity futures markets, hence his short-sightedness. All one needs to do is look at the fundamentals to decide. Nothing has changed. The fundamentals have only gotten better for gold and silver to increase in VALUE and PRICE. Gold and silver are extremely undervalued buys right now in comparison to real inflation. Gold and silver may noodle along up and down due to margin requirements, but that's the paper game. Take no heed of the gestures which discourage gold and silver in terms of their price being too high. Price means nothing, look at the value and when the time comes to those holding gold and silver related assets, they will be able to buy or exchange it for property, oil-related assets, and vitually anything they need including self-sustainable energy.

Another good commodity is copper. Copper's future looks bright as there are some massive explorations underway in Peru. Some say copper is the new gold. Not too long ago China holding US treasuries, decided to buy up copper when it baselined. They continued to buy on the way up even though many were scratching their heads in disbelief due to Chinese investment demand in copper. What they did was liquidate major holdings of US debt for something that has real intrinsic value, copper.  This was very smart on China's part to get rid of the US toilet paper.  It is a very inexpensive conduit for electricity among many other uses. Copper will continue to go up in price due to increasing demand and inflation. Copper related assets look very bullish in the not so distant future along with the other commodities such as oil.

Today John Corzine, the CEO of MF Global, was subpoenaed to appear before the House Agriculture Committee on December 8, 2011. Corzine is a current financial terrorist and former head of Goldman Sachs. Investigations into the missing $1.2 billion in client funds is still ongoing. With Corzine appearing before this committee, it will likely be nothing of significance and might as well be a party of tea and scrumpets. I do not expect much justice to happen without the laying of charges as Corzine remains virtually a free man.  This has all of the indications that the US government is sponsoring this grand larceny.

The cleptocrats are in control and they must be stopped. I'm referring to the financial oligarchs who have been handed their offices and/or memberships in the EU, Canada, and the US. They are the ex-employees of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve among others. They've created this mess in the financial industry by de-regulating OTC derivatives and care not for the consequences of it's over-leveraging. Despite the current deflation the world is experiencing in terms of the business cycle, derivatives continue to engulf the world economy and grow year upon year. When the entire world economy is approximately $20 trillion GDP, how does the world bailout $1.5 quadrillion in derivatives? You can't it's impossible. The only thing that matters to these creatures are the corporate profits and executive bonuses that they continue to grab as the central banks bails them out putting their currencies into perpetual hyperinflation. They impose austerity on the public and that does nothing, but drives economies into the ground as people are left discouraged and impoverished. Among these is the continual threat of terrorism keeping the population in fear to further consolidate their wealth and keep them marching in a straight line.

Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) the illegal alien in the White House, has recently just blocked the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. The US is becoming strained in aboveground supplies of oil, yet still has it's untapped reserves in Alaska. Under current trade deals, the man playing the role of Prime Minister of Canada is portraying this blockade as Canada being withheld from it's right to economic prosperity. To a degree Harper is correct, but the thing that should be of concern to Canadians is the fact that Canada is not selling the finished product in the first place. Canada is giving away the crude to the US in order for them to sell it back in it's finished product to Canadians. This deal has been blocked as the O'bottom administration waits until after the 2012 presidential elections. They are likely doing this to give rise to O'bottom's lowest approval ratings in history out of any US president ever. This appeals to the so-called environmentalists that are likely to believe that O'bottom is actually concerned about the environment while job and industrial capacity are on life support in the US with over 20% real unofficial unemployment.

Canada is no exception to using mass mind control techniques. It has learned much from it's big brother the US (pun intended). Harper has fell to his knees to beg for mercy in order to continue his political career. We don't have politicians that are representative of our needs along with social justice. We have actors who have made careers out of misrepresentation and fraud and they need to be put behind bars. The traitor Stephen Harper along with his colleague O'bottom have continued to "bolster" "trade" talks. Most mainstream publications say trade and then later mention "border" and "security" and "prosperity" later in their articles. They do this knowing full well that it has nothing to do with free trade, but to further de-construct the sovereign nations of north america. Next week Harper will meet with president O'bottom to finalize a deal on the further integration of Canada and the United States. The key is to use trade as the pretext to carry out their globalist agenda meanwhile we know what it is about. Harper formerly decided to have the US Coast Guard to train with the Canadian Coast Guard in an experimental application to see how the independent agencies work together. This time he has gone overboard. He has betrayed Canadians in every sense of the word with a new deal. The new deal gives Canadian and US intelligence agencies the ability to transfer and transmit data and information on their citizenry between the two governments. Now if you live in Canada the US government knows who you are and what you are upto and visa versa. It is not coincidence that "THE HARPER GOVERNMENT" has recently just gotten their senate sycophants to pass bills C-50, C-51, and C-52 into legislation. These bills give the Canadian government the immunity it needs to spy and surveil every citizen in Canada without a warrant and due process of law commonly referred to in the US as Habeus Corpus. From this legislation Harper intends to use US police and military to police Canadians at the border although every establishment rag reports on this as a "smoother" and "easier" process for Canadians and Americans to cross the border under the plot of suspected terrorsim. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are working with US agencies to carry out these orders. This has nothing to do with terrorism and is all about granting more power over your public life as Canada and the US slip further into a police state. It does not end at the border however due the continual exchange of information. It further grants foreign intervention through police action to search and detain citizens of both countries. It is only applicable to "citizens" who consent to be governed. Legally, this is the case, but they will try to target everyone if need be including sovereigns and freemen. Stephen Harper has violated the Criminal Code of Canada and must be convicted and impeached for treason. Most Canadians need to be more vocal about this, but until the unlawful detainment and assaults happen, most Canadians are still helplessly asleep at the switch. 

Many in the US are outraged that the government has suspended habeus corpus and have now guaranteed the politicians and lawmakers from legal responsibility due to the now passed bill which allows indefinite detention under suspicion of terrorism or anything else. The National Defense Authorization Act authorizes indefinite detention without trial and has now been codified into law under section 1031.  The ammendment to the NDAA passed 93-7.  That means that 93% of the Senate of the United States wants to detain any American they so choose.  To further their agenda, the Senate wanted to pass an ammendment to keep people detained until the government declared the war on terror, over.  This is very important news and deserves the utmost of attention.  Anyone in the US is now suspect and when they are detained they are automatically guilty.  Land of the free and home of the brave?  Hell no.  Not even communist China has this model.  Communist China appears to be more free than the US right now.  This should raise the current gun sales which are at an all time high, through the roof.  The government knows the public is awakening to their mass fraud and destruction of the US.  President Obama earlier in the year decided he had the authority to assassinate anybody inside of the US.  The corporation of The United States of America has just declared war on it's own people.  This would be a dream for Mao-Tse Tung and other dictators of past and just goes to show how far the US has come.  Canada and other Commonwealth countries could be next.  Does this remind you of any history in Germany between 1933 and 1945 and do you remember the detention camps?

Russia and Iran still remain firm in their stance against a NATO attack. They are preparing for such an event and now Pakistan has thrown it's hat into the ring. Pakistan said it would attack back if NATO forces attacked any one if it's territories, military personnel, or property. This comes after deliberate NATO killings by NATO helicopters on Pakistani soil that left 24 Pakistani soldiers murdered at their posts near the Afghanistan border. Tensions are flaring worldwide and conflict seems to be brewing to launch a major war. In times of financial instability the banks always subvert the public's attention to the threat of war so that the banksters can go unjailed and undead.

Consider this a signal to prepare for what comes head-on in the future.  It would be a good time to move to an entirely different continent such as South America if you have the means or new plans to do so. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

2 Minutes To Midnight: Part 2

As the clock winds down and the mass public ignorance ramps up due to a mass onslaught of propaganda, the cold war that never ended continues.

Libyan gold has been stolen - approximately 53 tonnes, the 3 main water aquifers of Libya that provided most of northern Africa with water have been taken over, and the sovereign Libyan fund with hundreds of billions of dollars has gone missing. The strategic geo-political placement of Al-Qiada rebels has brought about civil war in Libya with native and neighbooring tribes being killed in a massive genocide all funded by US dollar and North Atlantic Treaty Organization money under the auspices of "humanitarian" efforts. Libya had the highest standard of living in all of Africa and has some of the best sweet crude in all of the world. Colonel Gaddafi was looking to and had already established the plans to go to a gold-backed dinar currency to be circulated among the Libyan people. This was starting to weed out the speculative financial terrorism brought on by the western banking system that worships financial weapons of mass destruction in the form of derivatives such as credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations. Libya was starting to become completely sovereign. Gaddafi was starting to break ties between western nations such as the UK, USA, and France. The western banks could no longer exercise their power in Libya due to the financial independence that Libya had moved towards. This move could no longer be tolerated and the banks with NATO forces had to take Gaddafi out. The mainstream media (along with Al-Jazeera) called for the end of Gaddafi as the propaganda went into white-wash overdrive portraying Colonel Gaddafi as a cold-blooded killer who kills at will, women, children, men, and anyone who gets in his way. Don't get me wrong, Gaddafi was no saint, but there seems to be a direct relationship between media and western foreign relations. For Canadians, the thing that should concern them is blowback from federal tax funding of bombing the country of Libya through the encouragement of "THE HARPER GOVERNMENT" and NATO-led raid. When western governments say jump, the media doesn't even ask how high until they are up in the air. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, FOX, CBC, CTV, GLOBAL, and all other mainstream media conglomerates and associations are guilty of international warcrimes and have supported either directly or indirectly, the murder of thousands of people in Libya alone. They do not have to report the truth, they only have to portray a strong enough opinion that is convincing to the same effect that Edward Bernays had on public relations. They are in part responsible for the mass killings and lower standard of living in northern Africa, particularly Libya. The press has not been "free" by the people for a very long time.

Now, we turn to Syria.  Dr. Webster Tarpley a well known author, historian, and investigative journalist has recently visited Syria. In speaking with the locals, Tarpley discovered that many did not oppose the Assad leadership/regime. Many of the locals did not think the Assad government was tough enough against the insurgents in the country. Insurgents likely placed by in Syria and backed by western intelligence such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6. Much of the instability in Homs, Syria is due to snipers. These snipers are killing and slaughtering many native Syrian residents who are afraid to leave their homes in the daytime. The sniper activity has created much instability amongst the people while color revolutionary movements and demonstrations have been operational while the snipers protect the said operation. Tarpley has gone quite public in announcing that there is no general public revolution going on and that once again the media is selling newspapers and looking for ratings. Unlike other Arab countries, Syria hasn't fallen trap to US dealings in finance and business for the exchange of oil. However, the plan has been made clear as stated above with Libya that if you do not do what western countries favor, then your country must be taken over.

The UN - an unelected and unaccountable independent agency, has recently announced that the Assad government is killing children, in particular babies. This is being driven by the media among other things in conjunction that Syria hates the west, hates the western freedom, are muslim extremists, are providing shelter to terrorist forces, and so forth. Again, we must learn from history or we are destined to repeat it. All we need to look to for examples is Libya, Iraq - yellowcake and WMDs, Afghanistan - Osama bin Laden, Iraq - Kuwait, and Palestine to know what is going on here. Strategically, TPTB see this area as an opportune region in between China, Russia, and Pakistan - opposing nuclear powers AND border American defenses in Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the state of Israel - a western nuclear power. Why is this area so coveted? Oil, opium, and trade/financial sanctioning.

The sleeping giant in this area has been Russia. Russia has been building up it's arms for some time and now has an estimated 10,000 tactical nuclear warheads. It is also estimated that the US only has a few hundred now. Vladimir Putin has led the charge in rebuilding the defenses of Russia while being a diplomat the whole time. Russia stood on hold as NATO forces have completely taken over Libya with Al-Qiada rebels placed into Libya, funded by the US. Putin denounced NATO occupation and aggression proving to the world at large that he knows the consequences it reaps on humanity. Putin is no saint either being an ex-KGB agent, but at least he has the will to call a spade a spade in this time of world bullying by the NATO countries. Unknown to most of the public (thanks to the media), Russia has become the world's largest oil producer and exporter and now have the second-most powerful military on the globe. Much of the Russian technology has proven to be far superior to that of US, Canadian, and British technology - as is the case with Mi and Ka series helicopters. That is not only what is in Russia's arsenal, they now have "fourth generation" submarines that are reportedly the quietest of any submarines in existence. They also have new "fifth generation" Sukhoi stealth fighter jets at their disposal which would outpace, outmaneuver, and outgun the western F-22 fighter jets.

Why is this of significance? One word: "allies". Russia is allied with many former Soviet union countries, China, Iran, and Syria. Medvedev and Putin have just recently provided Syria with a stout surface to air missle defense system to prevent a NATO air-raid that we saw in Libya. This missle defense system is a modern system has reportedly become operational thanks to Russian engineers and scientists placed in Syria. One could look to Hollywood to see the potential scenario for disaster in the movie, "Thirteen Days" with JFK played by Bruce Greenwood. The movie depicts the Cuban missile crisis and how close the world came to nuclear war. Within 9 months of each other, the USSR and the US detonated/tested nuclear hydrogen bombs. The movie shows the predicament the Kennedys were faced with to fend off the military industrial complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of. The JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff) were trying to force the US into war with the USSR and General of the Air Force, Curtis LeMay, was particularly longing for war. This is when the doomsday clock approached it's closest point to 12, by 2 minutes. The scenario of attacking Cuban launch points would lead to an attack on Munich, Germany by the Soviets. That would lead to a further retaliation by the US to attack the Soviet Union and other strategic points. The world came very close to nuclear war and we are approaching a similar '2 minutes to midnight' scenario again.

If NATO launches an attack on Syria under the guise "humanitarianism" then the Russians will strike. Putin a man of his conviction, will not rest again in launching an attack on the NATO forces. Again, we see the scenario of the Cuban missile crisis unfolding once again. If history is to teach us anything, it must teach us to follow money. Most of the financing for WWII was instituted by US and British bankers who funded the Allies, Hitler, and Stalin. There are many a good book out there that cover this unofficial account of history ... just look at the Ford or GM vehicle you are driving and it will eventually lead you to WWII profiteering on both sides. Financing never stops in the pursuit and build-up to war. Russia is very well sovereign in it's position to fund it's military might, along with China.

When war happens, it happens quick. The governmental decision-making is behind closed doors before the public knows about the next or first strike. This is why it is imperative that one prepares for the worst of scenarios by having a proper food, shelter, self-defense, and a source of alternative currency and wealth in the form of physical gold and silver. It may not come to fruition, and Lord help us that it doesn't, but you likely will not know from your "trusted" source of news in this day and age that everything is fine and guaranteed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2 Minutes To Midnight

The recent collapse of MF Global has brought about a certain despair in the markets. Many people are suggesting that it could be a precursor to the failure of Lehman Brothers or Bear Stearns and the subsequent crash of the stock market. I don't think this is necessarily the case, but it is definitely something worth taking stock of. As I have covered in my previous post "Just Throw Money At It", I talked about John Corzine's connections and previous involvement with Goldman Sachs. Let me just make this clear to anyone who doesn't know, GOLDMAN SACHS IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. They prey upon making competitive and/or uncompetitive corporations and firms to make them go belly-up, as was the case with AIG Insurance. Then they consolidated them either through intervention by the Federal Reserve with bailout money as we have previously seen or bet against their failure by buying stocks, options, or derivatives and shorting them causing perpetual collapse. GS is the empire of snakes and hyenas and they co-exist in their sacred dens - Capitol Hill, The White House, EU Parliament, and the Parliament of Canada. 
However, there is much to say for JP Morgan as well in this realm. JPM runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group) and establishes the oversight and authority to maintain that specific commidity market. There is much speculation that JPM raised margin requirements to MF Global, independently. If this was surely the case, MF Global would have to meet this requirement and/or every contract tied to every investor be it an asset managing firm or otherwise. To put it into layman's terms, MF Global did not raise the capital required to meet a margin requirement and put it's contracts and business at risk. If this is the case one could immediately point to the management of John Corzine. Another scenario is that JPM was shorting everything to do with MF Global. I wouldn't dismiss that allegation due to JPM's inner nature of financial terrorism.

The thing to keep in mind when dealing with commodity futures contracts is that commodities have different rules than stock ownership. On the COMEX (JPM/CME - toilet) you can purchase futures on margin. When purchasing on margin you are subject to "hypothecation". What is hypothecation?

Well according to investopedia, it is "
When a person pledges a mortgage as collateral for a loan, it refers to the right that a banker has to liquidate goods if you fail to service a loan. The term also applies to securities in a margin account used as collateral for money loaned from a brokerage." Furthermore, it goes on to say,
"You are said to "hypothecate" the mortgage when you pledge it as collateral for a loan."

Well there you have it. The contracts that could not be fulfilled through a margin requirement increase where liquidated, despite what investors had in them for money. This should come as no surprise and that is why it is important to know what kind of financial terrorism that convolutes the JPM crystal ball COMEX. There are many people that are getting worried that this could lead to a complete takeover or liquidation of their own personal portfolios due to the disinformation or misinformation that is being propagated out there. When you purchase stock in a company you become a part owner of that said company - that company is partly your's because you can evidence your equity in it. He who has equity invested is entitled to redemption in equity. Basically, you can evidence something is your's if you evidence your investment and if somebody steals your equity, then you are entitled to equitable remedy from the other party breaking the law. Nobody can steal or liquidate your company or stock without you consenting to it, period.

It will be a while before the MF Global situation is worked out, it might even be years. We will see what happens. I do not forsee all of the money being recovered and it could be lost forever due to some "creative accounting" by the GS creature, John Corzine and/or JPM. The FBI, SEC, and CFTC are investigating the matter, but I think there will be some reluctance in the indictment of John Corzine and his associates at MF Global. I do not expect them to do any jailtime because the justice system in the United States is bought and paid for and there is a cancerous financial interest that runs rampant through it all the way up to Eric Holder and Elena Kagan, another Goldman operative.

The European Union is falling apart right now, but Angela Merkel is hellbent on keeping the idea - that's all anykind of government is, an idea - afloat and heading toward the frozen waters with perilous icebergs in it. Germany is in a position of major influence. The scenario is much like each nation state in the EU jumping overboard into frigid waters dying of hypothermia, but Germany seems to be surviving a little longer because they are wearing a thermal neoprene suit. Sooner or later, Germany has to get hypothermia and it seems it's well on it's way. The German finance minister, Schauble, and Merkel together, are determined to keep the EU going. They are using this opportunity with their hypothetical thermal neoprene suits on to gain dominance over the other nation states. In terms of keeping the EU operational, they must be unconstitutional in lending and the ECB has to receive bailout money from sovereign central banks and this is what Merkel and Schauble want to push on the people. They want the true sovereigns (the people) to pick up the tab for saving the EU, not necessarily the Euro currency, but the European Union in order to implement their control of their new world order - or at least their new european order. The continual drum beating of bond sales and the boasting of high yields on such bonds indicates that their ponzi scheme is about to collapse. It's bad enough that countries participating in the dog and pony show of the EU don't have any electoral procedure in the appointment of EU chairpersons, but they will become completely betrayed and taken over if this is allowed to happen by violating the German consitution for the appropriation of funds. More austerity and inflation are to come about and there will be a mass revolting across Europe as we have seen with Greece and Iceland. Member states must break away and become sovereign once again. The people of all Europe have a voice in Nigel Farage. Farage has properly determined that the EU was already failed once it began and has spoken out about the destruction of the middle class through austerity, poverity, and the transference of once democratic decision making to a beaurocratic oligarchy in the unelected designates of the EU - "the Brussels bunglers". In reference to the EU, Farage succinctly summed it up when he said that the EU "should be confined to the dustbin of history", I couldn't agree more. The EU just doesn't work and will never work. With no respect to Barosso or Von Rompouy, those two reprobates would just prefer that nobody had a say in their new totalitarian empire and are eager to push through devastating plans for the financial sector at whatever the cost because they are bought and paid for by the European banks.

Speaking of banker sociopathological financing, the Republican GOP debate on National Security was held last night. The focus was war, war, war, war, and more war. It wasn't narrowly confined to just Iran, but worldwide. The message of USA intervention in any nation that doesn't go along with the new geo-political neo-con agenda will be invaded and dictators, presidents, and prime ministers overthrown to further continue USA-led interests. The run for presidency by the GOP candidates with the exception of Ron Paul, is marked by fear mongering and war mongering because "the islamist extremist religions hate our freedom". Does this remind you of anything? How absurd it would be for the American people and the rest of the world to buy this message. No they hate you because you have retarded bought and paid for politicians who create wars, nation-build, and intervene in all sovereign countries' affairs with the use of the CIA, State Department, DHS, and heavy propaganda. If the American people bought this eerily similar message to that of the Bush/Cheney administration, I fear the US is over. 'Stick a fork in 'em they're done'. The continuity of government and media will eventually push the US over the edge into a state of martial law wherein the now militarized police will open fire on the American people in mass and will lead to the unlawful death and detention of many citizens. They would be stupid to do such a thing, but that's where things are heading - a descent into despotism and tyranny.

The Republican GOP candidates are further trying to gain support for helping and aiding Israel which is a nuclear threat to the world. Not to mention they are advocating racial profiling, increasing predator drone strikes in Pakistan, increased detainment based on said racial profiling, ammending the so-called "PATRIOT ACT" to a more draconian statute that seperates and perverts the rule of law from any kind of terrorist act, and the ever increasing threat of secret citizen assassinations. Whether it's the new favorite - Newt Gingrich, or Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, or Jon Huntsman; they are all pushing us to the brink of war. Thus, we are ever closing in on the "2 minutes to midnight" precedent which was set after the US and USSR each tested Hydrogen bombs within 9 months of each other. 2 minutes to midnight is a reference to the Doomsday Clock time where the likelihood of nuclear disaster was to occur, not to mention the hit single performed by Iron Maiden. Today's article combines this dire threat along with financial systemic circumstances worldwide.

Getting back to the Republican GOP candidates, they wish to steal votes from Ron Paul supporters with many mixed signals and contradictions in their own statements. Rick Santorum strategically said he agreed with Ron Paul in a blatant attempt to boost his popularity among supporters. Newt Gingrich said, "my friend Ron Paul" in a similar attempt. What they are doing is they are trying to give the impression that they are somehow empathetic and sympathetic to the virtues of liberty and freedom that Ron Paul supports in his belief structure. They are doing this because the American people are tired of giving up their liberties for government protection and it's no longer an easy sell with more and more waking up to the government-sponsored terrorism and color revolutions worldwide. They tried to link Syria-to Iran-to Al-Qiada-to terrorism to further intervention on a huge geo-political scale. This is the sound of alarm bells and should indicate to you that these psychopaths want to takeover the world and will continue to use "terrorism" as the pretext. Terrorism is so vague in legal defintion that it presents an immediate threat to the citizens of all countries. What about the banker terrorism that is going on? No mention of the need for war against them, how unfortunate. If Ron Paul doesn't become president, it will be time to move to another country that is safer if you are currently living in the US.

Amidst all of this turmoil with markets being down, there are a few worthwhile investments, not many, but a few and they are all to do with gold and silver related assets and oil.  Oil will be under continual squeeze and dry supply with the threat of war.  This is the primary driver in oil-related assets increasing.  The manipulated market is coming to a bottom and should be baselining in terms of gold and silver pricing. This is an excellent opportunity to buy and accumulate physical coins and bullion.    Eric Sprott, CEO of Sprott Asset Management, just submitted an order to buy $1.5billion to buy silver for the PSLV.  This equates to about 10,000 contracts, approximately the same amount that JPM is reportedly still short.  This will put a squeeze on physical and aboveground supply.  When Sprott buys or sells it is a huge move and pushes the market to the upside because he delivers the physical unlike JPM or HSBC.  If QE3 does not come, everything will fall in value to gold and silver.   Even in down markets gold and silver still present that store of value that everybody needs in this day and age.  If there is QE3, gold and silver will dramatically increase in price and value as everybody rushes for the exits from their paper currencies to the store of value. When they do this it will put a strain on already scarce aboveground supplies and will consequently create a large and long secondary stage of increasing valuation in gold and silver. We know the EU is toast, China has it's own inflationary problems and are buying mass amounts of gold and silver to curb that inflation, along with India and Russia. The USA is no better and is at a point of blackout in the market sooner than later. There is so much uncertainty fuelling gold and silver fundamentals that you would be a lunatic not to buy some as soon as possible. The ship is heading towards the iceberg and the skipper is drunk and asleep at the helm.

It is important to understand that the shares of stock are extremely undervalued right now and will produce the largest gains in comparison to the physical. There are many mining and exploration companies out there, but one must engage in due diligence to make the right investment. Look for companies that have management with proven track records, aren't frivolous spenders on exploration or production, and are based in a geographical region that isn't threatened by that particular countries' government. Governments in South America and across the world are ever-nationalizing mines and closing it out to the private sector. This is important to know when looking for a sound investment. As gold and silver appreciate, the mining companies will appreciate in value as well. Nothing else right now comes close, not savings, definitely not bonds, not recommended RRSPs-mutual funds-401Ks, or options. Nothing is going to come close to gold and silver related assets.

There is a new class of people in North America now.  This new class is a class of people that are tradespeople, nurses, engineers, skilled laborers, business and finance people, etc.  Who are they?  They are the increasing number of employed homeless people who are continuing to suffer from the current situation.  The number of these people will continue to increase.  This is very, very unfortunate to know that these people are just like you and I.  This could happen to anyone of us.

The clock is counting down and you have your "Y" in the road.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just Throw Money At It: Part 2

EFSF bailed out by ECB, Berlusconi resignation, and coming inflation.

There is much ado that is at work around the world.  So much so that I had to share with you some very relevant information.  Silvio Berlusconi has been the longest serving "ruler" of Italy.  The word ruler was inserted to quantify this man's love for himself.  In a prideful attempt to bluff the Italian people, Berlusconi threatened to resign if the Italian parliament passed the new budget reforms which further impose austerity on the Italian people.  He recently just handed President Napolitano his resignation today.  The Italian people have already been hit with high inflation in the wake of the country's debts and now will have to experience more of it thanks to the expectation of Mario Monti to assume the responsibility for putting together a new cabinet.  As mentioned in the previous post, Monti represents the antithesis of recovery being a Keynesian economist, a FED insider, a Goldman Sachs insider, a Rockefeller frontman, and a Bilderberger.  What more could you ask for in wishing to have a highly inflationary leader?

Europe has failed miserably, just when we thought the Federal Reserve was insane we've come to discover that the European Union has one-upped the FED in the fact that there aren't any brains present within the financial sector.  The EFSF (The European Financial Stability Fund - oxymoronic) in the form of bonds, could not raise the necessary capital required for it's bailout from outside providers and bought up it's own bonds - hundreds of millions worth, effectively monetising it's debt.  European leaders could not persuade the Chinese or the Japanese to buy the EFSF garbage bonds and have resorted to screwing the public once again.  Holders of EU currency will likely be outraged when they start to feel the value of their euros diminishing in a printing press frenzy as part of the monetization.  The EU was strongly trying to avoid resorting to it's own central bank, the ECB, to provide the funding for the tantamount EFSF.  Afterall, the European Central Bank has no money, it simply has to create it out of thin air like the FED does.  The EU will likely be faced with this same problem again down the road and who will want to bail the EFSF again?  Nobody, that's who.  No central bank, sovereign fund, nor country will want anything to do with the trash in europe.  So, the EU will then again have to turn to the ECB to further monetize the debt.  The question that most people in north america are likely asking is, "what do I care, what does this have to do with me? that's over there, not here".  After a look at this move, the FED will have a hard time trying to explain to taxpayers in the US to bailout this garbage.  What will eventually happen is the firms and banks that are holding these adulterous assets on their books in the US and Europe is they will face insolvency.  And yet again who will come to the rescue of these TBTF (too big too fail) financial institutions?  You guessed it, the printing press they own and control, the Federal Reserve Bank.  With no reserves available it would have to inflate the currency supply even more!  This may explain why there has been some information leaked by highly credible people that the US may have a new currency up it's sleeve in which to play and absolve the bailouts in the process.  What happens to europe?  European countries such as France and Germany have already started creating their old currencies again for fear of the current situation.  It is highly likely that major european countries such as France and Germany will defect from the EU leaving their neighbor's yard with the rapid dog in it.  These countries will then be faced with these humongous debts on their own country's banks books and will have no resort, but to bail them out as well.  Many of the banks in europe will effectively become nationalized in their defecting countries.  This will be very inflationary and likely hyper-inflationary as now again sovereign countries will try to compete with the remaining EU.  For these defecting countries, they will be absolving the bankster debt and will try to restore production.  It will be temporary production as most bubbles usually are and will leave the people dirt poor as they continue to run their currencies into the ground.  Financial institutions in other countries such as Canada will be faced with the same problem with their own banks.  It will be a systemic collapse worldwide as the markets are so inter-continentally connected to one another.  If you don't own gold and silver coins, bullion, and shares, you will be missing out on the greatest transfer of wealth and you will watch your savings and generic investments lose their purchasing power to inflation.  The race to debase begins.

Just Throw Money At It

EU falling apart, precious metals price supression, economy, and the looming war with Iran.

The world has come to it's point of no return. The markets have become nothing more than a utopic atmosphere for traders, speculators, and sociopaths. We have seen violent swings in the Dow Jones Industrial between 200-300 points in one day and ongoing daily. Everyday has become an illusion of stability in the markets. All one has to do is look at history to see what happened prior to the crash of 1929. The crash of 1929 was brought on by a massive speculative bubble in the economy and margin loans were no exception in the demise of the 1920's leading up to the crash. We are seeing history repeat itself over again. Prior to the great crash of 1929, the markets were fluctating back and forth, to and fro, up and down, daily. This is exactly what is going on currently. In order to keep the engine running without any temporary knocks, the Federal Reserve is drawing closer to a financial collapse if they do not announce QE3. There are enough insolvent banks that should be let go and fail, but with the current markets Bernanke can no longer twiddle his thumbs and rub his beard any longer unless he wants a deflationary depression. I believe the FED will start bailing out before the end of the year and injecting stimulus into markets and provide banks with liquidity to operate further, if they don't everything crashes. We are already starting to experience this pre-crash jekyll and hyde swings and the FED may provide the liquidity the EU needs during another bout of QE3.  This never-ending cancerous economic policy will forsake the public through the close-to-home effects of large inflation.

These violent swings have been volatile on both sides with losses and gains from Europe's sovereign debt issues. Wall Street insiders, traders, and hedge fund hyenas are likely making inconceivable amounts of money hedging themselves through options on both sides of these swings.

The Greek people are refusing to allow any kind of government debt agreement or bailout agreement. They are instinctively rejecting Prime Minister Papandreou and his office and so they should. Front runners for his office have emerged amidst the buzz of a national referendum. France's Sarkozy and Germany's Merkel, commonly known as Merkozy as of late, have made the threat to corner the Greek people at the G2O meetings to accept a new package which would strip all sovereignty away from the Greek people. This package of Oct. 27, 2011 was offered by Merkozy with having the ECB as the lender of last resort. Merkozy pressed on at the conference that the only way for Greece to get this bailout is for them to accept all parts of this deal. From what I understand, the temporary bailout needed is $517 billion. They want to leverage this bailout at a 5 to 1 ratio bringing it to approximately $2.5 trillion with the use of derivatives. This is extremely dangerous leveraging simply for the fact that derivatives are backed by nothing. If this leveraging fails, watch out for devastating effects rippling into the market with not only the Greek people on the hook, but the rest of Europe and all of it's tax payers as their game of derivatives Russian roulette comes crashing down.  Currently, there are about 6 countries that are on the verge of pulling out of the EU in order to survive.  This would leave 11 remaining countries to dabble about in an insane circus of he said/she said trickery, incompetence, and inflation, maybe even hyperinflation as the plutocrats try to continue to sell the failed idea that is the European Union.

Sure people in Greece want a high standard of living and don't want to work until they are 55 years of age and are in support european socialist ideals, but that doesn't mean they don't have a scumbag government swindling them. Papandreou and his father are communists who have looted the country and allowed the banks to run the table on the Greek people for far too long. There is likely to be an interim government for a period of 40 days or so coming soon. The TPTB would like to keep Papandreou in office for as long as possible because he is a great tool for the IMF in future bailouts if need be. Europe will likely not have any kind of solution in the near future and the dog and pony show between Merkozy, Papandreou, and the ECB is bound to continue for some time. The Federal Reserve in the US likely hasn't commenced QE3 as of yet because they may be waiting to see what happens in Europe first, this could give them the timely excuse to offer a bailout package for Europe's crisis, we will see. Mario Draghi, head of the ECB, has recently annouced interest rate cuts of 0.25% leading to 1.25% ECB rates, which surely isn't going to help the people of Europe with the problems of inflation. We are likely to see new governments in Greece and Italy, Europe's 3rd largest economy, within the year. Berlusconi has proved to every Italian that he is incompetent to steer the country in a positive direction because he is more concerned with his narcistic orgies. Former EU commissioner, Mario Monti, will likely succeed the position of Berlusconi. Monti is full of the banking oligarchy mindframe as a former international advisor for Goldman Sachs. Monti was a learned student and product of James Tobin at Yale University. Tobin was a Keynesian economist who served on the Council of Economic Advisors and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. With this Keynesian disposition, Monti was also the first chariman of Bruegel, which is an internationalist think-tank that steers economic policy for the EU. That is not all that is on Monti's resume, as the European Chairman of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and a Bilderberg member, Monti is the illuminati's prime candidate to push austerity, impoverish millions and to impose a supra-banking structure in Italy, if not all of the EU through his influence. He is a real poster child of cleptocracy and look for his Keynesian background to ramp up inflation in Italy and Europe through economic irresponsibility and bailouts.

Speaking of Goldman Sachs, we cannot forget about John Corzine, former Co-Chief Operating Officer at GS and New Jersey Governor, who ran MF Global into it's grave leaving 50,000 contracts of investors locked and unavailable. Corzine being a former big-wig at GS, likely new a thing or two on how to make money. One has to beg the question why he bought the European toxic assets (derivatives) and exposed his company and clients to such malarky. Time will tell as lawsuits will be pending and enraged investors look to search for truth and indictments against Corzine and MF Global, at this point it's too early to tell if he had a motive, but I would not put it past him.

The precious metals market is still in a stage of government-bankster price suppression. I refuse to call it a correction because a correction is indicative of true price discovery. What we've seen a few weeks ago was government/bankster intervention in the markets. JP Morgan and HSBC took advantage of such conditions with silver being driven down to just over $27/oz USD. Up until that point, JPM was short approximately some 65,000 contracts on their playground of loot and swindle known as the COMEX, or CRIMEX is what I've heard it called. According to some, they were likely to cover about 60-70% of their short positions which would relate to 40,000-45,000 contracts. JPM and HSBC likely encoutered some loss, but I would bet they are planning for steady growth in the PMs and maybe a moving point past $50/oz USD of silver on the looming financial instability worldwide.  One could assume that the FED might cover these losses of JPM and place them on their own balance sheet during QE3, which would be doublemurder.  Gary Gensler, head of the CFTC, was notified and presented with evidence 2-3 years ago of JPM's and HSBC's silver manipulation and yet has failed to do anything. This should not be a surprise to anyone in the PMs because it further proves that the CFTC and SEC are accessories complicit in this crime. If the PMs being gold and silver exploded in price, adjusted to real inflation in the US, the Federal Reserve's incompetency would be shown as the long time buyers of treasury bonds and holders of FED notes, would immediately switch to gold and silver, which would in turn expose the FED's ponzi scheme. Financial people in the know have even had assasination attempts on their lives, as was the case with Andrew Maguire recently.

Billionaire Eric Sprott has held several interviews and discussion where the demand for silver is increasing and certain mints are experiencing shortages and cannot produce until new material becomes available. The US Mint stopped the production of 1oz American Eagle silver coins as sales are at an all time high. Sprott also cited the justification for a substantial price increase. In discussion and research with James Turk, owner of Goldmoney.com, Sprott has discovered that silver has been bought at a 1 to 1 ratio with gold for at least the past year or so. When you have a historical ratio of 16:1 silver to gold, $1600 gold should logically bring about $100 silver, further evidence of a no longer undeniable manipulation taking place everyday on the CRIMEX and Globex. There is recent buzz that the CME Group (JPM) may raise margin requirements again this coming week, if so, it's a buying opportunity for physical.

The Royal Canadian Mint a crown corporation, unlike the independent and private Bank of Canada, has just recently announced that they would like to participate in the ongoing manipulation. They are now offering "Exchange-Traded Receipts" for investment gold bullion on deposit at the mint. The approximate issue size is $250,000,000 CAD or 12,500,000 contracts. The RCM holds the physical bullion and purchasers of the ETRs are entitled to a fraction (1/10 oz or 28g) of 1 troy oz of gold. ETR holders will not be entitled to hold a certificate for physical in definitive form and the notices of physical redemtion must be in excess of 10,000 ETRs. Any redemption in physical gold under 10,000 oz must be paid out in cash by the RCM at the Redemption Price determined by the mint. In layman's terms, if 1/10 oz multiplied by 10,000 oz minimum for redemption = $650,000 to $1.2million CAD to redeem for physical. Who has that kind of money to operate in this small game? Also the RCM is entitled to 3% of gross proceeds of redemption, if gold goes up and you decide to sell (if you can participate at that level) they waste no time making sure you pay your tithe to them. There is a termination caveat of this program if there is a change in the Mint Act, Financial Administration Act, regulatory requirements, custom duties, other taxes or securities, other laws that change mint mandate, or other factors that would obversly affect the ETRs or the mint's ability to operate the program. AND, the government of Canada can privatize the mint at any point if there is a loss or catastrophic loss of the gold bullion underlying the ETRs due to among other things; theft, loss, damage, or destruction, market conditions in which it is no longer economically feasible to continue program, or ETRs or are no longer listed on the TSX or other exchange or on which the ETRs are traded. They also carry an annual service fee of 0.35%. They are traded in CAD and USD and are being offered by most financial institutions in Canada. ETR holders will NOT have any recourse available to them through the mint or the government. To sum it up, the government of Canada gave itself an exit to do what it wants and deny physical bullion to those holding less than 10,000 ETRs and only pay those out in cash as gold rises. This should benefit the others who may be short gold. This is definitely a program to avoid for any investor who has interest in gold.

In Canada, parliament has passed bill C-52, section 16 (1), which authorizes the government and police to force internet service providers (ISPs) to provide personal and consumer information without a warrant or court order and due process of law. Bill C-50 also authorizes the police to intercept "communications", as defined by bill C-51, as long as they deem the interception necessary. Canadians have slipped into the abyss of abject tyranny by it's government and everyone now is a suspect. The removal of numerous rights under these bills are nothing more than a power grab in which to control and suppress free speech, opinion, and religion by the Harper government.  It is also a move to further silence their critics and political dissidents at will.  Think of all the internet "communications" that you may use on a daily basis; skype, email, websites, blogs, forums, comments, facebook, etc.

Statistics Canada shows the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of "official" inflation currently at 3.2% nationwide. I quote stats Canada, "
The Inflation Calculator uses monthly consumer price index (CPI) data from 1914 to the present to show changes in the cost of a fixed "basket" of consumer purchases. These include food, shelter, furniture, clothing, transportation, and recreation."

Compare that with the real inflation reported by the masterful and painstaking work of John Williams at Shadow Stats in the US at 11.4-11.6%. How can this be? There is more to this than meets the eye. Isn't it convenient that major purchases such as housing, automobiles, and average median home income and the decline of household income are not mentioned? Even if it is not mentioned, food and fuel prices have risen substantially past 3.2% annually and nationwide, so obviously we have some major downplaying by the government of Canada.

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board said on Nov. 10, 2011 that the value of investments under management slipped in it's second fiscal quarter. The CPP has 17 million contributors and beneficiaries. The CPPIB said the assets under management as of Sept. 30, 2011 were $152.3 billion, which were $1.2 billion lower than at the end of the first quarter. We are in the midst of the government theft $1.2 billion in the Canada Pension Plan and yet there has not been the slightest mention of this in the mainstream media. For those of you who are reliant on this, you will be betrayed in Judas-like fashion at the robbery of what you have been working for in the coming times and that doesn't even include inflation factored in. Get ready because it's going to be a long, bumpy ride as government continues to steal more and more of your pension money in Canada and the US. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The threat of war with Iran is ever looming as of late as the hour grows near. The US is getting prepared to either stike first or support Israeli aggression in an assault, but the bought and paid for warmongers call it a "preemptive" attack. It is likely we will see false flag terrorism on oil pipelines and in the Gaza strip to be blamed on Iran as the pretext for war. Right now the US is amassing naval fleets offshore of the middle east, particulary the 5th fleet AOR.

Now that you've been angered, it's time to share some positives. In Alberta, the Trans Link super powerline plan has been nullified. This plan to build transmission lines and heavy transmission infrastructure at the cost of the Albertan taxpayer has been disproved in Alberta. Alta Link was then going to charge higher rates for power usage ultimately resulting in a small factor that would drive down the standard of living, leaving higher power costs to Albertans while Alta Link gets a free power line at the expense of the taxpayer.

Large drilling continues across Alberta, but appears to be a drop in the bucket compared to Saskatchewan. There are drilling rigs across the province and there will continue to be as the price of oil nears $100/barrel USD and potentially running up to $120/barrel USD before years end. Not only with higher oil prices in the world, Saskatchewan will still continue to drill extensively with the re-election of Premier Brad Wall. Wall has opened up Saskatchewan to huge oil discovery and oil investment from the previous communist NDP provincial party reign. Not many oil companies would venture into Saskatchewan to extract oil under the strangleholds of the NDP and Premier at the time, Lorne Calvert. Wall has proven to be good for the western economy giving incentive for large job creation. Drilling hasn't been limited to oil however, there has been active drilling for potash in Saskatchewan as that commodity may be another industry in which there will be steady growth and demand. Affecting western Canada right now heavily is a diesel shortage experienced across the western provinces. Problems at a refinery in Regina have limited the sales of diesel to literage and hours of operation and most cardlocks and service stations and likely will not be resolved for a few weeks. Look for gasoline to spike in price as they will use this diesel shortage to bid the price up on their other products.