As we wrap up 2011 with a large atmosphere of uncertainty, I hope to portray to you what implications we face in 2012 in relation to political, geo-political, economical, and social terms.
The year 2011 was highlighted by massive financial influence at the federal and inter-governmental levels. We saw the placement of bankers into unelected bureaucracy positions around the world, predominantly in Europe, as all of the positions in North America seem to be occupied already by their brothers and sisters of mass financial rape and fraud. The reason for the banker position selection is to form world government, period. It has become apparent to the commoner around the world that the point is there is too much debt instead of liquidity issues as your government(s) and the financial sector want you to believe. The debt concerns of sovereign nations, financial institutions, as well as the EU were put on the world stage. Thanks to the internet the perpetual fraud of these bankster created debts has been brought to light by many financial dignitaries, brokers, bloggers, and forecasters. We are currently living in a world where everyone is at risk and nobody is immune to the decisions that the banksters make. The key has been the creation of debt through derivatives and bond issuance spanning over the past decade which was marked by a housing bubble, high leveraging, and predatory lending. This black hole of derivatives of an estimated $1.5 quadrillion has been allowed to run up through deregulated statutes and governmental free wheeling. The public becomes fleeced through austerity as the banksters and politicians have turned democracy into cleptocracy. Also, the public has been made to believe that this is their debt. Fortunately for the world's sake countries such as Iceland cast the banksters off of their island from further destruction and have refused to pay the IMF as well as large Anglo-American banks. When economies are destroyed, the public has every inclination to try to survive and revive themselves against political economic rule.
After the world watched Silvio Berlusconi resign, he was succeeded by an unelected banker in Mario Monti. Monti just passed further austerity measures in an overwhelming vote that will cripple what is left of Europe's largest economy, Italy. This will not help the economy of Italy and will stagnate it further. Along with the banker occupation of Europe we see David Cameron of the UK who is openly supportive of the corporation, THE CITY OF LONDON, and all of the city's financial conglomerates. He believes that THE CITY OF LONDON must be the epicentre of financial dichotomy to institute the wishes of the Bank of England's policies as well as the banks within THE CITY's policies. Forget about the people, their standard of living, and their wishes which have been clearly put away and locked up into the abyss and have been placed under the thumbs of the banksters. The UK has been plundered and raped enough already, but further austerity implications are already in the works as the politicians place their hands tighter and tighter around the necks of the public. The likes of Mario Draghi head of the ECB, Georges Papandreou former PM of Greece, Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany, and Nikolas Sarkozy President of France; have all brought the EU to the point of no return. The only solution is North American intervention in the form of currency swaps. These swaps are more or less the creation of currency and credit by the Federal Reserve in the United States, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank. To further understand the effects of what is going on one must look at how this game of currency and credit merry-go-round is taking place. The ECB cannot buy it's own debt unlike the Federal Reserve and is forbidden to do so as stated in EU law. It cannot monetize itself into debt free prosperity because of the interest and inflationary consequences associated with such measures. So it has to be saved by the western banks just mentioned. These banks are buying Euros at the expense of currency and credit creation. They print off or electronically create their respective currencies such as the US dollar and then decide to buy Euros. Let's use this example, if the Euro is sitting at say $1.25 US, then the Federal Reserve is spending $0.25 more for every dollar it creates by buying the Euro in exchange. This creates a larger reserve for the ECB to sell bonds and provide liquidity while the Federal Reserve is providing an initial $500 billion and may lend $1 trillion at rates close to 0.25% to the ECB in order to keep the issue of debt bailed out and liquid. This is highly inflationary and is currently legal, but is an unlawful practice which is to the detriment to the people of Canada, the US, England, Japan, and Switzerland as well as the people of Europe. They have all decided to debase and devalue their currencies as the public picks up the tab through the hidden tax of inflation when they go to the grocery store, pay their utility bills, pay their mortgages, etc. You get the picture. This is of great importance and must be exposed for what it is, A PONZI SCHEME! Why is this a ponzi scheme you ask? There are two reasons why. Let's start with the Federal Reserve because it is the largest contributor and the US dollar is still the world's reserve currency. The first reason is that the Congress of the US has not authorized the swaps which are at their core, bailouts. This is a contravention of law in the US and there is not a peep about it coming from Congress indicating that the Obama administration is set on devaluing the dollar. The second reason this is a ponzi scheme is the ECB then takes this money and provides it to the too big to fail banks to buy bonds while the ECB and the Federal Reserve add toxic debts to their balance sheets. These toxic debts are primarily derivatives in the form of CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations) and MBSs (Mortgage Backed Securities), both of which have a convoluded array of sub-credit and mortgage junk speculated in value and packaged with a smile and a lie. The worst part of this is the public gets to pay for it as it lands on the balance sheet of the Fed and the ECB and they are listed as assets now in which both central banks will use that to issue bonds and the recipient European banks will over leverage and speculate with again potentially up to 30% over and above. You cannot put shat in between two pieces of bread and call it a sandwich, this is what they are doing while posing as financial saviours and experts and only they know how to make a shat sandwich and call it a good deal. European Stability Mechanism is the EU's inter-governmental powergrab to take away the sovereignty of each nation and the people of Europe are extremely upset about this, so they should be because it's the bankers and bureaucrats empire with restrictions placed on the participant countries who will no longer be able to regulate and control their nation's currency and credit.
The Bank of Canada is currently undergoing a large effort to de-leverage Canadian banks from over leveraged positions. These banks include Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of Montreal, and Toronto Dominion. After large profits in the year 2011, these banks are being cautioned to scale back on their derivatives and financial vehicle exposures. The Bank of Canada is intent on keeping interest the same for a while as they and the rest of the Canadian banks estimate and report limited growth in GDP and the economy around 1.5-2.5%. This may even be bullish on their part as unemployment gradually rises and Canadian household debt rises to 151% on average per Canadian. The Bank of Canada and it's governor, Mark Carney, however have just had a class action lawsuit filed against it by Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galanti, representing the plaintiffs William Krehm and Ann Emmet, and COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform). The suit was filed in Court of Queen's Bench on December 12, 2011, which is the federal court in Canada. The full-on class action lawsuit is brought forth under the regulatory authority of the people of Canada through Parliament to create and issue it's own currency once again. The plaintiffs allege that the Bank of Canada Act has been violated and subverted by private international bankster interests in the Bank of International Settlements, the Financial Stability Forum, and the International Monetary Fund. The challenge is long overdue and represents the potential for the people of Canada to gain control of it's currency and credit creation to whom it properly belongs. This would constitute financing at 0% interest to provincial and municipal governments and allow them to re-invest the currency and credit back into the local economies. Many Canadian provinces are unfortunately forced with having continued borrowing costs due to interest in order to fund their public programs in turn forcing federal intervention and taxation. If the plaintiffs do not win this case in a Constitutional Challenge it may represent further insolvency in many Canadian provinces in the times ahead. The results of course would be higher taxes and austerity in order to "solve" the debts. We all know those two measures will not work as we see European countries imploding from within with reverse economic growth and financial decline. This case needs to be won by the plaintiffs and every Canadian should take notice to it in order to support their own financial freedom in the future. The problem with the court system in Canada is that the Crown has a direct conflict of interest because it owns the court system as everything is done "In Right of the Crown". The Bank of Canada's main financial coffers are the Bank of England and their loyalty to the Crown is unmatched. The bankers along with the Crown will not want to give up their private monopoly known as the Bank of Canada which they call "independent". If this ends up in the Supreme Court of Canada there is enough firepower on part of the Harper government to quash it as many of the Justices of the Peace in the Supreme Court are hand-picked by Stephen Harper and have had some very detrimental rulings as of late, violating the Constitution Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Let's hope we can chalk up a point for team Canada on this suit and that the plaintiffs win. This story needs all of the exposure it can get.
2011 has also been highlighted by geo-political regime change across the middle east and northern Africa. The Arab Spring has brought about a large public dissent against occupying dictators with the help of western intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6. The whole point of having an embassy in another country is primarily to spy and plan espionage, counterintelligence, and reconnaissance operations. If a country has an embassy set up in another country, the first country is likely coveting the resources of the host country. One way to eventually gain control of these foreign resources is to stage coups and color revolutions and finance them well in a full-on media whitewash. The media is used to portray dictators as "dictators"-ugly or brutal, and that the people of the host country want to overthrow the dictator from his "oppressive regime". This has been going on for centuries. It is a tactic called divide and conquer. The desired effect is usually to have the Anglo-American corporations and governments go in and scoop up public resources and privatize them while building permanent military bases in the area threatening neighboring nations. The other option is to sanction a country into total economic and social chaos until there are riots in the streets due to sanctions being imposed on central banks, food rationing, and/or sanctions on imported necessities. Does this sound familiar? We saw this with Iraq and now we are seeing it with Iran and their central bank. In 1953 in Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown in a CIA-led effort because of this strategy. We saw Gaddafi taken out in a brutal NATO-led attack as the insurgents placed in to fight were Al-Qiada rebels and have created a genocidal civil war as British, American, French, Australian, and Canadian interests have taken over Libya's resources - gold, oil, and fresh water. If there is a dictator that does not want to play ball, they simply install another one that has pro-western interests and will do anything to his people to receive a payoff from the banker interests. There will be more of this in 2012 as we see Syria, Iran, and Pakistan coming under fire in the exact same fashion. The US and Israel will likely provoke Iran into some sort of attack or anti Anglo-American policy. This has huge implications of nuclear and thermo-nuclear war across the world as Iran and Syria are both allied with China and Russia and have indirect access to nuclear weapons as China and Russia back them up. Some such as Lyndon Larouche, estimate that this major WWIII could take place during or after the US presidential elections. The only candidate who is trying to prevent this from happening is Presidential Candidate, Congressman Ron Paul who must be compared to John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the Cold War era, who prevented a nuclear war with the USSR by talking with Nikita Kruschev rather than lambasting him on an international scale like the current other Republican presidential candidates. Kennedy was also in the process of placing the Federal Reserve under the authority of the treasury, one more reason why he was assassinated and why Ron Paul must be protected from this threat. Alienation and defamatory libel against enemies does not help the people in any country. The threat of this war is so large and must be disavowed and discouraged at all levels. The banker-owned media is hellbent on pushing us to war as the whole game plan of the establishment seems to be "look here, not there". Usually wars are created to divert attention from financial calamity and that's exactly what we face right now. If the people do not vote for Ron Paul, the constitutional republic of the United States dies, bankers go un-jailed and un-executed, and there may even be millions if not billions worldwide that die in nuclear and thermo-nuclear warfare. These people are evil, sick, and perverted and they must be stopped from molesting planet Earth in their own psycho and sociopathological lust.
There is a bit of hope in the air though! Along with Ron Paul comes his constitutional platform which endorses liberty and freedom and the public is awakening to the message of how humanity has endured. This is not just limited to the US, but worldwide people see his ideas emerge along with Samarus in Greece. There is a new kind of Renaissance emerging around the world as people exchange information to one another and grow via the airwaves, the internet, and any other media platform. It's truly a remarkable thing to see! The public is waking up to the banker occupation that has so bankrupted and indebted the world to indentured servitude. People are saying "NO!" to the banks and the ruling class in an effort to help their fellow man. This is why the elitists and politicians want to control, regulate, and shutdown the internet at will. The Occupy Wall Street movement has sprung up around the world as dissention is being directed against the people who control the financial and political landscape. This dissent must happen. Although there are some financiers behind the scenes and other financial notables who discourage the Occupy movement, the movement is still beneficial to humanity because it finally brings people together from all walks of life to discuss important issues and to have a voice. If educated, libertarian, revolutionary leaders emerge from this movement it will have a more concerted effort in stopping the Federal Reserve from it's agenda and many wars potentially. There is a large effort however to impose socialistic and communistic measures on the public through the solutions provided by some of the Occupiers who believe in nothing more than entitlement. Hopefully they do not have any effect, but instead wake up to the real paradigm they face with their proposed and unsustainable solutions. This next year in 2012 will be marked by increase riots and food shortages. Poverty and crime will escalate as inflation continues to outpace income at an alarming rate. There will be more police state measures to quell dissent. One fresh note to point out is the fact that many influential people in the military refuse to detain or harm citizens. In the US the National Defense Authorization Act which has provisions in it to label anyone a suspected terrorist and indefinitely detain them without charge or trial. We will likely see many in the US start to be detained around or after election time. This is another story that needs absolute exposure. The US Government wants to use the military to carry these detentions out, whether they succeed or not, we cannot say for sure as time can only tell. I believe it will be hard and pointless for the military to violate the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights and go against a large armed American public. Nevertheless, the public will be faced with some trying choices in 2012 as they lose their jobs and their families go hungry.
The move to consolidate public and private resources is being undertaken currently by governments and bankers throughout the world. It will be evidently more so in 2012. There will be higher inflation. Closing out 2011, the US experience a real inflation rate of 11.4% from a year earlier. That number is likely to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30% in 2012. Followed by larger inflation in 2013 in Q1, Q2, and Q3 with consequent hyperinflation in 2014-2015. Hyper deflation will follow that as the world goes into full blown depression. Oh, come on now this can't be true can it? Time will tell, but all of the indications point in that direction. Greece will likely default in March of 2012 and leave the EU along with other European countries such as the UK. Investment demand leaving Europe will drive up the USD likely until the autumn of 2012. The G20 will advance resolutions to create a global currency and/or banking system as 2012 becomes the year of globalist threat. New Federal Reserve notes may come into effect to absolve debt woes from the mass financial crisis. Commodities and precious metals will be subject to manipulation, less brokerage reporting, and fraud so don't be disappointed if we experience several attempts to attack the commodities and precious metals like we did 2 weeks ago as well as May 1, 2011. It's just something we are going to have to expect as everybody must get their hands on gold and silver related assets, preferably physical coins and bullion to save their butts from future inflation that is going to come. Hopefully the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) and large financial luminaries such as Bill Murphy, Mike Maloney, Eric Sprott, Max Keiser, and Bob Chapman as well as any other writers, bloggers, or tv hosts/guests can continue to influence the public and expose manipulative forces like the US Government, JPM, and HSBC. The Dow Jones Industrial Average will likely be propped-up between 10,500-14,500 points as they try to keep the markets afloat to give the illusion that Obama and the other leaders of Europe are doing their best as many countries face elections. The time to prepare is now. Make sure you and your family eliminate any and all debts, have at least 6 months worth of food supply, a private and continual water source of some sort - be it a filter or otherwise, enough cash on hand away from your bank, and a means of self defense just in case.
May we all prosper from honest money, good health, good family, peace, and abundance in 2012 as we count our wealth by our ability to achieve, educate, and free our brothers and sisters across the world in a year of divine love that every free human on earth so deserves.
The year 2011 was highlighted by massive financial influence at the federal and inter-governmental levels. We saw the placement of bankers into unelected bureaucracy positions around the world, predominantly in Europe, as all of the positions in North America seem to be occupied already by their brothers and sisters of mass financial rape and fraud. The reason for the banker position selection is to form world government, period. It has become apparent to the commoner around the world that the point is there is too much debt instead of liquidity issues as your government(s) and the financial sector want you to believe. The debt concerns of sovereign nations, financial institutions, as well as the EU were put on the world stage. Thanks to the internet the perpetual fraud of these bankster created debts has been brought to light by many financial dignitaries, brokers, bloggers, and forecasters. We are currently living in a world where everyone is at risk and nobody is immune to the decisions that the banksters make. The key has been the creation of debt through derivatives and bond issuance spanning over the past decade which was marked by a housing bubble, high leveraging, and predatory lending. This black hole of derivatives of an estimated $1.5 quadrillion has been allowed to run up through deregulated statutes and governmental free wheeling. The public becomes fleeced through austerity as the banksters and politicians have turned democracy into cleptocracy. Also, the public has been made to believe that this is their debt. Fortunately for the world's sake countries such as Iceland cast the banksters off of their island from further destruction and have refused to pay the IMF as well as large Anglo-American banks. When economies are destroyed, the public has every inclination to try to survive and revive themselves against political economic rule.
After the world watched Silvio Berlusconi resign, he was succeeded by an unelected banker in Mario Monti. Monti just passed further austerity measures in an overwhelming vote that will cripple what is left of Europe's largest economy, Italy. This will not help the economy of Italy and will stagnate it further. Along with the banker occupation of Europe we see David Cameron of the UK who is openly supportive of the corporation, THE CITY OF LONDON, and all of the city's financial conglomerates. He believes that THE CITY OF LONDON must be the epicentre of financial dichotomy to institute the wishes of the Bank of England's policies as well as the banks within THE CITY's policies. Forget about the people, their standard of living, and their wishes which have been clearly put away and locked up into the abyss and have been placed under the thumbs of the banksters. The UK has been plundered and raped enough already, but further austerity implications are already in the works as the politicians place their hands tighter and tighter around the necks of the public. The likes of Mario Draghi head of the ECB, Georges Papandreou former PM of Greece, Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany, and Nikolas Sarkozy President of France; have all brought the EU to the point of no return. The only solution is North American intervention in the form of currency swaps. These swaps are more or less the creation of currency and credit by the Federal Reserve in the United States, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank. To further understand the effects of what is going on one must look at how this game of currency and credit merry-go-round is taking place. The ECB cannot buy it's own debt unlike the Federal Reserve and is forbidden to do so as stated in EU law. It cannot monetize itself into debt free prosperity because of the interest and inflationary consequences associated with such measures. So it has to be saved by the western banks just mentioned. These banks are buying Euros at the expense of currency and credit creation. They print off or electronically create their respective currencies such as the US dollar and then decide to buy Euros. Let's use this example, if the Euro is sitting at say $1.25 US, then the Federal Reserve is spending $0.25 more for every dollar it creates by buying the Euro in exchange. This creates a larger reserve for the ECB to sell bonds and provide liquidity while the Federal Reserve is providing an initial $500 billion and may lend $1 trillion at rates close to 0.25% to the ECB in order to keep the issue of debt bailed out and liquid. This is highly inflationary and is currently legal, but is an unlawful practice which is to the detriment to the people of Canada, the US, England, Japan, and Switzerland as well as the people of Europe. They have all decided to debase and devalue their currencies as the public picks up the tab through the hidden tax of inflation when they go to the grocery store, pay their utility bills, pay their mortgages, etc. You get the picture. This is of great importance and must be exposed for what it is, A PONZI SCHEME! Why is this a ponzi scheme you ask? There are two reasons why. Let's start with the Federal Reserve because it is the largest contributor and the US dollar is still the world's reserve currency. The first reason is that the Congress of the US has not authorized the swaps which are at their core, bailouts. This is a contravention of law in the US and there is not a peep about it coming from Congress indicating that the Obama administration is set on devaluing the dollar. The second reason this is a ponzi scheme is the ECB then takes this money and provides it to the too big to fail banks to buy bonds while the ECB and the Federal Reserve add toxic debts to their balance sheets. These toxic debts are primarily derivatives in the form of CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations) and MBSs (Mortgage Backed Securities), both of which have a convoluded array of sub-credit and mortgage junk speculated in value and packaged with a smile and a lie. The worst part of this is the public gets to pay for it as it lands on the balance sheet of the Fed and the ECB and they are listed as assets now in which both central banks will use that to issue bonds and the recipient European banks will over leverage and speculate with again potentially up to 30% over and above. You cannot put shat in between two pieces of bread and call it a sandwich, this is what they are doing while posing as financial saviours and experts and only they know how to make a shat sandwich and call it a good deal. European Stability Mechanism is the EU's inter-governmental powergrab to take away the sovereignty of each nation and the people of Europe are extremely upset about this, so they should be because it's the bankers and bureaucrats empire with restrictions placed on the participant countries who will no longer be able to regulate and control their nation's currency and credit.
The Bank of Canada is currently undergoing a large effort to de-leverage Canadian banks from over leveraged positions. These banks include Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of Montreal, and Toronto Dominion. After large profits in the year 2011, these banks are being cautioned to scale back on their derivatives and financial vehicle exposures. The Bank of Canada is intent on keeping interest the same for a while as they and the rest of the Canadian banks estimate and report limited growth in GDP and the economy around 1.5-2.5%. This may even be bullish on their part as unemployment gradually rises and Canadian household debt rises to 151% on average per Canadian. The Bank of Canada and it's governor, Mark Carney, however have just had a class action lawsuit filed against it by Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galanti, representing the plaintiffs William Krehm and Ann Emmet, and COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform). The suit was filed in Court of Queen's Bench on December 12, 2011, which is the federal court in Canada. The full-on class action lawsuit is brought forth under the regulatory authority of the people of Canada through Parliament to create and issue it's own currency once again. The plaintiffs allege that the Bank of Canada Act has been violated and subverted by private international bankster interests in the Bank of International Settlements, the Financial Stability Forum, and the International Monetary Fund. The challenge is long overdue and represents the potential for the people of Canada to gain control of it's currency and credit creation to whom it properly belongs. This would constitute financing at 0% interest to provincial and municipal governments and allow them to re-invest the currency and credit back into the local economies. Many Canadian provinces are unfortunately forced with having continued borrowing costs due to interest in order to fund their public programs in turn forcing federal intervention and taxation. If the plaintiffs do not win this case in a Constitutional Challenge it may represent further insolvency in many Canadian provinces in the times ahead. The results of course would be higher taxes and austerity in order to "solve" the debts. We all know those two measures will not work as we see European countries imploding from within with reverse economic growth and financial decline. This case needs to be won by the plaintiffs and every Canadian should take notice to it in order to support their own financial freedom in the future. The problem with the court system in Canada is that the Crown has a direct conflict of interest because it owns the court system as everything is done "In Right of the Crown". The Bank of Canada's main financial coffers are the Bank of England and their loyalty to the Crown is unmatched. The bankers along with the Crown will not want to give up their private monopoly known as the Bank of Canada which they call "independent". If this ends up in the Supreme Court of Canada there is enough firepower on part of the Harper government to quash it as many of the Justices of the Peace in the Supreme Court are hand-picked by Stephen Harper and have had some very detrimental rulings as of late, violating the Constitution Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Let's hope we can chalk up a point for team Canada on this suit and that the plaintiffs win. This story needs all of the exposure it can get.
2011 has also been highlighted by geo-political regime change across the middle east and northern Africa. The Arab Spring has brought about a large public dissent against occupying dictators with the help of western intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6. The whole point of having an embassy in another country is primarily to spy and plan espionage, counterintelligence, and reconnaissance operations. If a country has an embassy set up in another country, the first country is likely coveting the resources of the host country. One way to eventually gain control of these foreign resources is to stage coups and color revolutions and finance them well in a full-on media whitewash. The media is used to portray dictators as "dictators"-ugly or brutal, and that the people of the host country want to overthrow the dictator from his "oppressive regime". This has been going on for centuries. It is a tactic called divide and conquer. The desired effect is usually to have the Anglo-American corporations and governments go in and scoop up public resources and privatize them while building permanent military bases in the area threatening neighboring nations. The other option is to sanction a country into total economic and social chaos until there are riots in the streets due to sanctions being imposed on central banks, food rationing, and/or sanctions on imported necessities. Does this sound familiar? We saw this with Iraq and now we are seeing it with Iran and their central bank. In 1953 in Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown in a CIA-led effort because of this strategy. We saw Gaddafi taken out in a brutal NATO-led attack as the insurgents placed in to fight were Al-Qiada rebels and have created a genocidal civil war as British, American, French, Australian, and Canadian interests have taken over Libya's resources - gold, oil, and fresh water. If there is a dictator that does not want to play ball, they simply install another one that has pro-western interests and will do anything to his people to receive a payoff from the banker interests. There will be more of this in 2012 as we see Syria, Iran, and Pakistan coming under fire in the exact same fashion. The US and Israel will likely provoke Iran into some sort of attack or anti Anglo-American policy. This has huge implications of nuclear and thermo-nuclear war across the world as Iran and Syria are both allied with China and Russia and have indirect access to nuclear weapons as China and Russia back them up. Some such as Lyndon Larouche, estimate that this major WWIII could take place during or after the US presidential elections. The only candidate who is trying to prevent this from happening is Presidential Candidate, Congressman Ron Paul who must be compared to John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the Cold War era, who prevented a nuclear war with the USSR by talking with Nikita Kruschev rather than lambasting him on an international scale like the current other Republican presidential candidates. Kennedy was also in the process of placing the Federal Reserve under the authority of the treasury, one more reason why he was assassinated and why Ron Paul must be protected from this threat. Alienation and defamatory libel against enemies does not help the people in any country. The threat of this war is so large and must be disavowed and discouraged at all levels. The banker-owned media is hellbent on pushing us to war as the whole game plan of the establishment seems to be "look here, not there". Usually wars are created to divert attention from financial calamity and that's exactly what we face right now. If the people do not vote for Ron Paul, the constitutional republic of the United States dies, bankers go un-jailed and un-executed, and there may even be millions if not billions worldwide that die in nuclear and thermo-nuclear warfare. These people are evil, sick, and perverted and they must be stopped from molesting planet Earth in their own psycho and sociopathological lust.
There is a bit of hope in the air though! Along with Ron Paul comes his constitutional platform which endorses liberty and freedom and the public is awakening to the message of how humanity has endured. This is not just limited to the US, but worldwide people see his ideas emerge along with Samarus in Greece. There is a new kind of Renaissance emerging around the world as people exchange information to one another and grow via the airwaves, the internet, and any other media platform. It's truly a remarkable thing to see! The public is waking up to the banker occupation that has so bankrupted and indebted the world to indentured servitude. People are saying "NO!" to the banks and the ruling class in an effort to help their fellow man. This is why the elitists and politicians want to control, regulate, and shutdown the internet at will. The Occupy Wall Street movement has sprung up around the world as dissention is being directed against the people who control the financial and political landscape. This dissent must happen. Although there are some financiers behind the scenes and other financial notables who discourage the Occupy movement, the movement is still beneficial to humanity because it finally brings people together from all walks of life to discuss important issues and to have a voice. If educated, libertarian, revolutionary leaders emerge from this movement it will have a more concerted effort in stopping the Federal Reserve from it's agenda and many wars potentially. There is a large effort however to impose socialistic and communistic measures on the public through the solutions provided by some of the Occupiers who believe in nothing more than entitlement. Hopefully they do not have any effect, but instead wake up to the real paradigm they face with their proposed and unsustainable solutions. This next year in 2012 will be marked by increase riots and food shortages. Poverty and crime will escalate as inflation continues to outpace income at an alarming rate. There will be more police state measures to quell dissent. One fresh note to point out is the fact that many influential people in the military refuse to detain or harm citizens. In the US the National Defense Authorization Act which has provisions in it to label anyone a suspected terrorist and indefinitely detain them without charge or trial. We will likely see many in the US start to be detained around or after election time. This is another story that needs absolute exposure. The US Government wants to use the military to carry these detentions out, whether they succeed or not, we cannot say for sure as time can only tell. I believe it will be hard and pointless for the military to violate the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights and go against a large armed American public. Nevertheless, the public will be faced with some trying choices in 2012 as they lose their jobs and their families go hungry.
The move to consolidate public and private resources is being undertaken currently by governments and bankers throughout the world. It will be evidently more so in 2012. There will be higher inflation. Closing out 2011, the US experience a real inflation rate of 11.4% from a year earlier. That number is likely to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30% in 2012. Followed by larger inflation in 2013 in Q1, Q2, and Q3 with consequent hyperinflation in 2014-2015. Hyper deflation will follow that as the world goes into full blown depression. Oh, come on now this can't be true can it? Time will tell, but all of the indications point in that direction. Greece will likely default in March of 2012 and leave the EU along with other European countries such as the UK. Investment demand leaving Europe will drive up the USD likely until the autumn of 2012. The G20 will advance resolutions to create a global currency and/or banking system as 2012 becomes the year of globalist threat. New Federal Reserve notes may come into effect to absolve debt woes from the mass financial crisis. Commodities and precious metals will be subject to manipulation, less brokerage reporting, and fraud so don't be disappointed if we experience several attempts to attack the commodities and precious metals like we did 2 weeks ago as well as May 1, 2011. It's just something we are going to have to expect as everybody must get their hands on gold and silver related assets, preferably physical coins and bullion to save their butts from future inflation that is going to come. Hopefully the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) and large financial luminaries such as Bill Murphy, Mike Maloney, Eric Sprott, Max Keiser, and Bob Chapman as well as any other writers, bloggers, or tv hosts/guests can continue to influence the public and expose manipulative forces like the US Government, JPM, and HSBC. The Dow Jones Industrial Average will likely be propped-up between 10,500-14,500 points as they try to keep the markets afloat to give the illusion that Obama and the other leaders of Europe are doing their best as many countries face elections. The time to prepare is now. Make sure you and your family eliminate any and all debts, have at least 6 months worth of food supply, a private and continual water source of some sort - be it a filter or otherwise, enough cash on hand away from your bank, and a means of self defense just in case.
May we all prosper from honest money, good health, good family, peace, and abundance in 2012 as we count our wealth by our ability to achieve, educate, and free our brothers and sisters across the world in a year of divine love that every free human on earth so deserves.