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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Plans of Action and Intended Action: The Governments and Banks Are Getting More Destructive

Central banks plan to provide liquidity worldwide, the violation of law by supra-governmental powers, and conflict worldwide is ready to be unravelled like a ball of war.

The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Swiss National Bank announced on November 30, 2011 that they have contingencies in place to provide markets around the world with liquidity in a concerted effort should the situation arise amidst the global financial crisis. The plan is in place to start providing stimuli and bailouts at the same time on a worldly effect. These banks will all turn on their printing presses on que. One can conclude that the press release by the International Monetary Fund to provide the Exchange Stability Mechanism (ESM) with a bailout was a complete farce. The IMF does not have the credit available to provide the implied liquidity injection to the ESM. Congress in the US is looking to prevent further contribution to the IMF for this purpose. As Senator Tom Coburn said, "We're throwing good money after bad down a hole that I think is not a solvable problem. Europe is going to default eventually, so why would you socialize their profligate spending?." Fortunately, the IMF's desire for intervention will not hold any water in Congress. Not to mention the Constitution has no provisions in it to fund global banking oligarchies such as the EU and IMF. However, the foxes that guard the henhouse in the US Congress previously had provided bailouts to foreign banks such as Barclays, Societe de Generale, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, and the Royal Bank of Scotland through the Federal Reserve discount window in 2007-2008. Not too mention the US banks that provided loans after receiving bailouts to these foreign institutions as well as countless others. They did this to make a profit on their "free" near 0% money handed to them on a taxpayer platter. The Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve have decided to extend their expanded swap facility of $30 billion to August 1, 2012. This means the plan is in place to provide more funding (currency creation) to the swap facility should it be used up, similar to when a vehicle runs out of gasoline.

This new arrangement of dictatorial banker policy to decide to intervene at will can only mean one thing, disaster. Despite various press releases by these central banks proclaiming that liquidity is needed for markets and financing, this will eventually be disastrous for the world markets on the long side of things. They have also proclaimed that it will "protect households" in their intervention to stimulate markets by providing liquidity to the said markets. This is an absolute lie and each one of these private central banks know better. They know that the creation of currency and credit will temporarily keep markets for lack of a better word, afloat. This will be temporary in effect and will do nothing other than victimize household income as inflation will rage in the next year or two. How is that beneficial to households on their current declining household income? Factor in current inflation and it becomes a death sentence in Malthusian scenario. This will only spur commodity and food prices higher. We can all see the effects of inflation when we go to the grocery store, fill up our automobiles with fuel, and pay for Chinese slave goods manufactured from commodities such as steel. The savings of many people across Canada and the rest of the world is being diminished as governments perpetrate the crime of their liquidity lies. Everyone knows that interest rates for savings and retirement plans are discouraging enough that it doesn't make any sense to keep your cash in either of those short-sighted plans. Even if you have an annual gain of 3% somehow, you will still fall victim to inflation which is "officially" at 3% for Q3, thus leaving you with no incentive to leave your money at disposal to the banks. Real inflaiton is much higher, likely around 8-10% in Canada. So this begs the question, why on earth would you ever save something that loses value every year? In order to get ahead one has to invest in something that provides a yield of at least 10% annually. This is where commodities come into play, particularly gold and silver related assets in the form of coins, bullion, and shares. 

Jim Rogers recently said that gold is due for a correction down to $1500-1600 per oz before he starts buying. As brilliant as Jim Rogers is and as astounding as his billionaire status is, he is on the wrong side of history I feel. There is an important thing to understand about Jim Rogers, he is invested in the US dollar and lives for over-speculated market hedging through OTC derivatives. He is George Soros' primary partner. Soros being a financial terrorist who declares nation states as insolvent prior to their collapse in order to collapse them (ie. South Korea), relies on economic fallacy for him to profit as nation after nation goes begging to their enslavers in the IMF. In a recent interview with CNBC, Rogers claimed that gold is due for this correction because of it's 10 year yield. Look at the past 10 years for yourself and decide. Currencies have been inflated to the point of no return, new wars and conflicts have been created year after year in order to prop-up the USD, and the financial system has leveraged itself through derivatives exposure infinitely. So, what disposition does Jim Rogers have in economic uncertainty? It sounds like he is short gold and is betting against it in hopes his other investments pan out. Rogers also gambles in the commidity futures markets, hence his short-sightedness. All one needs to do is look at the fundamentals to decide. Nothing has changed. The fundamentals have only gotten better for gold and silver to increase in VALUE and PRICE. Gold and silver are extremely undervalued buys right now in comparison to real inflation. Gold and silver may noodle along up and down due to margin requirements, but that's the paper game. Take no heed of the gestures which discourage gold and silver in terms of their price being too high. Price means nothing, look at the value and when the time comes to those holding gold and silver related assets, they will be able to buy or exchange it for property, oil-related assets, and vitually anything they need including self-sustainable energy.

Another good commodity is copper. Copper's future looks bright as there are some massive explorations underway in Peru. Some say copper is the new gold. Not too long ago China holding US treasuries, decided to buy up copper when it baselined. They continued to buy on the way up even though many were scratching their heads in disbelief due to Chinese investment demand in copper. What they did was liquidate major holdings of US debt for something that has real intrinsic value, copper.  This was very smart on China's part to get rid of the US toilet paper.  It is a very inexpensive conduit for electricity among many other uses. Copper will continue to go up in price due to increasing demand and inflation. Copper related assets look very bullish in the not so distant future along with the other commodities such as oil.

Today John Corzine, the CEO of MF Global, was subpoenaed to appear before the House Agriculture Committee on December 8, 2011. Corzine is a current financial terrorist and former head of Goldman Sachs. Investigations into the missing $1.2 billion in client funds is still ongoing. With Corzine appearing before this committee, it will likely be nothing of significance and might as well be a party of tea and scrumpets. I do not expect much justice to happen without the laying of charges as Corzine remains virtually a free man.  This has all of the indications that the US government is sponsoring this grand larceny.

The cleptocrats are in control and they must be stopped. I'm referring to the financial oligarchs who have been handed their offices and/or memberships in the EU, Canada, and the US. They are the ex-employees of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve among others. They've created this mess in the financial industry by de-regulating OTC derivatives and care not for the consequences of it's over-leveraging. Despite the current deflation the world is experiencing in terms of the business cycle, derivatives continue to engulf the world economy and grow year upon year. When the entire world economy is approximately $20 trillion GDP, how does the world bailout $1.5 quadrillion in derivatives? You can't it's impossible. The only thing that matters to these creatures are the corporate profits and executive bonuses that they continue to grab as the central banks bails them out putting their currencies into perpetual hyperinflation. They impose austerity on the public and that does nothing, but drives economies into the ground as people are left discouraged and impoverished. Among these is the continual threat of terrorism keeping the population in fear to further consolidate their wealth and keep them marching in a straight line.

Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) the illegal alien in the White House, has recently just blocked the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. The US is becoming strained in aboveground supplies of oil, yet still has it's untapped reserves in Alaska. Under current trade deals, the man playing the role of Prime Minister of Canada is portraying this blockade as Canada being withheld from it's right to economic prosperity. To a degree Harper is correct, but the thing that should be of concern to Canadians is the fact that Canada is not selling the finished product in the first place. Canada is giving away the crude to the US in order for them to sell it back in it's finished product to Canadians. This deal has been blocked as the O'bottom administration waits until after the 2012 presidential elections. They are likely doing this to give rise to O'bottom's lowest approval ratings in history out of any US president ever. This appeals to the so-called environmentalists that are likely to believe that O'bottom is actually concerned about the environment while job and industrial capacity are on life support in the US with over 20% real unofficial unemployment.

Canada is no exception to using mass mind control techniques. It has learned much from it's big brother the US (pun intended). Harper has fell to his knees to beg for mercy in order to continue his political career. We don't have politicians that are representative of our needs along with social justice. We have actors who have made careers out of misrepresentation and fraud and they need to be put behind bars. The traitor Stephen Harper along with his colleague O'bottom have continued to "bolster" "trade" talks. Most mainstream publications say trade and then later mention "border" and "security" and "prosperity" later in their articles. They do this knowing full well that it has nothing to do with free trade, but to further de-construct the sovereign nations of north america. Next week Harper will meet with president O'bottom to finalize a deal on the further integration of Canada and the United States. The key is to use trade as the pretext to carry out their globalist agenda meanwhile we know what it is about. Harper formerly decided to have the US Coast Guard to train with the Canadian Coast Guard in an experimental application to see how the independent agencies work together. This time he has gone overboard. He has betrayed Canadians in every sense of the word with a new deal. The new deal gives Canadian and US intelligence agencies the ability to transfer and transmit data and information on their citizenry between the two governments. Now if you live in Canada the US government knows who you are and what you are upto and visa versa. It is not coincidence that "THE HARPER GOVERNMENT" has recently just gotten their senate sycophants to pass bills C-50, C-51, and C-52 into legislation. These bills give the Canadian government the immunity it needs to spy and surveil every citizen in Canada without a warrant and due process of law commonly referred to in the US as Habeus Corpus. From this legislation Harper intends to use US police and military to police Canadians at the border although every establishment rag reports on this as a "smoother" and "easier" process for Canadians and Americans to cross the border under the plot of suspected terrorsim. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are working with US agencies to carry out these orders. This has nothing to do with terrorism and is all about granting more power over your public life as Canada and the US slip further into a police state. It does not end at the border however due the continual exchange of information. It further grants foreign intervention through police action to search and detain citizens of both countries. It is only applicable to "citizens" who consent to be governed. Legally, this is the case, but they will try to target everyone if need be including sovereigns and freemen. Stephen Harper has violated the Criminal Code of Canada and must be convicted and impeached for treason. Most Canadians need to be more vocal about this, but until the unlawful detainment and assaults happen, most Canadians are still helplessly asleep at the switch. 

Many in the US are outraged that the government has suspended habeus corpus and have now guaranteed the politicians and lawmakers from legal responsibility due to the now passed bill which allows indefinite detention under suspicion of terrorism or anything else. The National Defense Authorization Act authorizes indefinite detention without trial and has now been codified into law under section 1031.  The ammendment to the NDAA passed 93-7.  That means that 93% of the Senate of the United States wants to detain any American they so choose.  To further their agenda, the Senate wanted to pass an ammendment to keep people detained until the government declared the war on terror, over.  This is very important news and deserves the utmost of attention.  Anyone in the US is now suspect and when they are detained they are automatically guilty.  Land of the free and home of the brave?  Hell no.  Not even communist China has this model.  Communist China appears to be more free than the US right now.  This should raise the current gun sales which are at an all time high, through the roof.  The government knows the public is awakening to their mass fraud and destruction of the US.  President Obama earlier in the year decided he had the authority to assassinate anybody inside of the US.  The corporation of The United States of America has just declared war on it's own people.  This would be a dream for Mao-Tse Tung and other dictators of past and just goes to show how far the US has come.  Canada and other Commonwealth countries could be next.  Does this remind you of any history in Germany between 1933 and 1945 and do you remember the detention camps?

Russia and Iran still remain firm in their stance against a NATO attack. They are preparing for such an event and now Pakistan has thrown it's hat into the ring. Pakistan said it would attack back if NATO forces attacked any one if it's territories, military personnel, or property. This comes after deliberate NATO killings by NATO helicopters on Pakistani soil that left 24 Pakistani soldiers murdered at their posts near the Afghanistan border. Tensions are flaring worldwide and conflict seems to be brewing to launch a major war. In times of financial instability the banks always subvert the public's attention to the threat of war so that the banksters can go unjailed and undead.

Consider this a signal to prepare for what comes head-on in the future.  It would be a good time to move to an entirely different continent such as South America if you have the means or new plans to do so. 

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