The recent collapse of MF Global has brought about a certain despair in the markets. Many people are suggesting that it could be a precursor to the failure of Lehman Brothers or Bear Stearns and the subsequent crash of the stock market. I don't think this is necessarily the case, but it is definitely something worth taking stock of. As I have covered in my previous post "Just Throw Money At It", I talked about John Corzine's connections and previous involvement with Goldman Sachs. Let me just make this clear to anyone who doesn't know, GOLDMAN SACHS IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. They prey upon making competitive and/or uncompetitive corporations and firms to make them go belly-up, as was the case with AIG Insurance. Then they consolidated them either through intervention by the Federal Reserve with bailout money as we have previously seen or bet against their failure by buying stocks, options, or derivatives and shorting them causing perpetual collapse. GS is the empire of snakes and hyenas and they co-exist in their sacred dens - Capitol Hill, The White House, EU Parliament, and the Parliament of Canada.
However, there is much to say for JP Morgan as well in this realm. JPM runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group) and establishes the oversight and authority to maintain that specific commidity market. There is much speculation that JPM raised margin requirements to MF Global, independently. If this was surely the case, MF Global would have to meet this requirement and/or every contract tied to every investor be it an asset managing firm or otherwise. To put it into layman's terms, MF Global did not raise the capital required to meet a margin requirement and put it's contracts and business at risk. If this is the case one could immediately point to the management of John Corzine. Another scenario is that JPM was shorting everything to do with MF Global. I wouldn't dismiss that allegation due to JPM's inner nature of financial terrorism.
The thing to keep in mind when dealing with commodity futures contracts is that commodities have different rules than stock ownership. On the COMEX (JPM/CME - toilet) you can purchase futures on margin. When purchasing on margin you are subject to "hypothecation". What is hypothecation?
Well according to investopedia, it is "When a person pledges a mortgage as collateral for a loan, it refers to the right that a banker has to liquidate goods if you fail to service a loan. The term also applies to securities in a margin account used as collateral for money loaned from a brokerage." Furthermore, it goes on to say, "You are said to "hypothecate" the mortgage when you pledge it as collateral for a loan."
Well there you have it. The contracts that could not be fulfilled through a margin requirement increase where liquidated, despite what investors had in them for money. This should come as no surprise and that is why it is important to know what kind of financial terrorism that convolutes the JPM crystal ball COMEX. There are many people that are getting worried that this could lead to a complete takeover or liquidation of their own personal portfolios due to the disinformation or misinformation that is being propagated out there. When you purchase stock in a company you become a part owner of that said company - that company is partly your's because you can evidence your equity in it. He who has equity invested is entitled to redemption in equity. Basically, you can evidence something is your's if you evidence your investment and if somebody steals your equity, then you are entitled to equitable remedy from the other party breaking the law. Nobody can steal or liquidate your company or stock without you consenting to it, period.
It will be a while before the MF Global situation is worked out, it might even be years. We will see what happens. I do not forsee all of the money being recovered and it could be lost forever due to some "creative accounting" by the GS creature, John Corzine and/or JPM. The FBI, SEC, and CFTC are investigating the matter, but I think there will be some reluctance in the indictment of John Corzine and his associates at MF Global. I do not expect them to do any jailtime because the justice system in the United States is bought and paid for and there is a cancerous financial interest that runs rampant through it all the way up to Eric Holder and Elena Kagan, another Goldman operative.
The European Union is falling apart right now, but Angela Merkel is hellbent on keeping the idea - that's all anykind of government is, an idea - afloat and heading toward the frozen waters with perilous icebergs in it. Germany is in a position of major influence. The scenario is much like each nation state in the EU jumping overboard into frigid waters dying of hypothermia, but Germany seems to be surviving a little longer because they are wearing a thermal neoprene suit. Sooner or later, Germany has to get hypothermia and it seems it's well on it's way. The German finance minister, Schauble, and Merkel together, are determined to keep the EU going. They are using this opportunity with their hypothetical thermal neoprene suits on to gain dominance over the other nation states. In terms of keeping the EU operational, they must be unconstitutional in lending and the ECB has to receive bailout money from sovereign central banks and this is what Merkel and Schauble want to push on the people. They want the true sovereigns (the people) to pick up the tab for saving the EU, not necessarily the Euro currency, but the European Union in order to implement their control of their new world order - or at least their new european order. The continual drum beating of bond sales and the boasting of high yields on such bonds indicates that their ponzi scheme is about to collapse. It's bad enough that countries participating in the dog and pony show of the EU don't have any electoral procedure in the appointment of EU chairpersons, but they will become completely betrayed and taken over if this is allowed to happen by violating the German consitution for the appropriation of funds. More austerity and inflation are to come about and there will be a mass revolting across Europe as we have seen with Greece and Iceland. Member states must break away and become sovereign once again. The people of all Europe have a voice in Nigel Farage. Farage has properly determined that the EU was already failed once it began and has spoken out about the destruction of the middle class through austerity, poverity, and the transference of once democratic decision making to a beaurocratic oligarchy in the unelected designates of the EU - "the Brussels bunglers". In reference to the EU, Farage succinctly summed it up when he said that the EU "should be confined to the dustbin of history", I couldn't agree more. The EU just doesn't work and will never work. With no respect to Barosso or Von Rompouy, those two reprobates would just prefer that nobody had a say in their new totalitarian empire and are eager to push through devastating plans for the financial sector at whatever the cost because they are bought and paid for by the European banks.
Speaking of banker sociopathological financing, the Republican GOP debate on National Security was held last night. The focus was war, war, war, war, and more war. It wasn't narrowly confined to just Iran, but worldwide. The message of USA intervention in any nation that doesn't go along with the new geo-political neo-con agenda will be invaded and dictators, presidents, and prime ministers overthrown to further continue USA-led interests. The run for presidency by the GOP candidates with the exception of Ron Paul, is marked by fear mongering and war mongering because "the islamist extremist religions hate our freedom". Does this remind you of anything? How absurd it would be for the American people and the rest of the world to buy this message. No they hate you because you have retarded bought and paid for politicians who create wars, nation-build, and intervene in all sovereign countries' affairs with the use of the CIA, State Department, DHS, and heavy propaganda. If the American people bought this eerily similar message to that of the Bush/Cheney administration, I fear the US is over. 'Stick a fork in 'em they're done'. The continuity of government and media will eventually push the US over the edge into a state of martial law wherein the now militarized police will open fire on the American people in mass and will lead to the unlawful death and detention of many citizens. They would be stupid to do such a thing, but that's where things are heading - a descent into despotism and tyranny.
The Republican GOP candidates are further trying to gain support for helping and aiding Israel which is a nuclear threat to the world. Not to mention they are advocating racial profiling, increasing predator drone strikes in Pakistan, increased detainment based on said racial profiling, ammending the so-called "PATRIOT ACT" to a more draconian statute that seperates and perverts the rule of law from any kind of terrorist act, and the ever increasing threat of secret citizen assassinations. Whether it's the new favorite - Newt Gingrich, or Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, or Jon Huntsman; they are all pushing us to the brink of war. Thus, we are ever closing in on the "2 minutes to midnight" precedent which was set after the US and USSR each tested Hydrogen bombs within 9 months of each other. 2 minutes to midnight is a reference to the Doomsday Clock time where the likelihood of nuclear disaster was to occur, not to mention the hit single performed by Iron Maiden. Today's article combines this dire threat along with financial systemic circumstances worldwide.
Getting back to the Republican GOP candidates, they wish to steal votes from Ron Paul supporters with many mixed signals and contradictions in their own statements. Rick Santorum strategically said he agreed with Ron Paul in a blatant attempt to boost his popularity among supporters. Newt Gingrich said, "my friend Ron Paul" in a similar attempt. What they are doing is they are trying to give the impression that they are somehow empathetic and sympathetic to the virtues of liberty and freedom that Ron Paul supports in his belief structure. They are doing this because the American people are tired of giving up their liberties for government protection and it's no longer an easy sell with more and more waking up to the government-sponsored terrorism and color revolutions worldwide. They tried to link Syria-to Iran-to Al-Qiada-to terrorism to further intervention on a huge geo-political scale. This is the sound of alarm bells and should indicate to you that these psychopaths want to takeover the world and will continue to use "terrorism" as the pretext. Terrorism is so vague in legal defintion that it presents an immediate threat to the citizens of all countries. What about the banker terrorism that is going on? No mention of the need for war against them, how unfortunate. If Ron Paul doesn't become president, it will be time to move to another country that is safer if you are currently living in the US.
Amidst all of this turmoil with markets being down, there are a few worthwhile investments, not many, but a few and they are all to do with gold and silver related assets and oil. Oil will be under continual squeeze and dry supply with the threat of war. This is the primary driver in oil-related assets increasing. The manipulated market is coming to a bottom and should be baselining in terms of gold and silver pricing. This is an excellent opportunity to buy and accumulate physical coins and bullion. Eric Sprott, CEO of Sprott Asset Management, just submitted an order to buy $1.5billion to buy silver for the PSLV. This equates to about 10,000 contracts, approximately the same amount that JPM is reportedly still short. This will put a squeeze on physical and aboveground supply. When Sprott buys or sells it is a huge move and pushes the market to the upside because he delivers the physical unlike JPM or HSBC. If QE3 does not come, everything will fall in value to gold and silver. Even in down markets gold and silver still present that store of value that everybody needs in this day and age. If there is QE3, gold and silver will dramatically increase in price and value as everybody rushes for the exits from their paper currencies to the store of value. When they do this it will put a strain on already scarce aboveground supplies and will consequently create a large and long secondary stage of increasing valuation in gold and silver. We know the EU is toast, China has it's own inflationary problems and are buying mass amounts of gold and silver to curb that inflation, along with India and Russia. The USA is no better and is at a point of blackout in the market sooner than later. There is so much uncertainty fuelling gold and silver fundamentals that you would be a lunatic not to buy some as soon as possible. The ship is heading towards the iceberg and the skipper is drunk and asleep at the helm.
It is important to understand that the shares of stock are extremely undervalued right now and will produce the largest gains in comparison to the physical. There are many mining and exploration companies out there, but one must engage in due diligence to make the right investment. Look for companies that have management with proven track records, aren't frivolous spenders on exploration or production, and are based in a geographical region that isn't threatened by that particular countries' government. Governments in South America and across the world are ever-nationalizing mines and closing it out to the private sector. This is important to know when looking for a sound investment. As gold and silver appreciate, the mining companies will appreciate in value as well. Nothing else right now comes close, not savings, definitely not bonds, not recommended RRSPs-mutual funds-401Ks, or options. Nothing is going to come close to gold and silver related assets.
There is a new class of people in North America now. This new class is a class of people that are tradespeople, nurses, engineers, skilled laborers, business and finance people, etc. Who are they? They are the increasing number of employed homeless people who are continuing to suffer from the current situation. The number of these people will continue to increase. This is very, very unfortunate to know that these people are just like you and I. This could happen to anyone of us.
The clock is counting down and you have your "Y" in the road.
However, there is much to say for JP Morgan as well in this realm. JPM runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group) and establishes the oversight and authority to maintain that specific commidity market. There is much speculation that JPM raised margin requirements to MF Global, independently. If this was surely the case, MF Global would have to meet this requirement and/or every contract tied to every investor be it an asset managing firm or otherwise. To put it into layman's terms, MF Global did not raise the capital required to meet a margin requirement and put it's contracts and business at risk. If this is the case one could immediately point to the management of John Corzine. Another scenario is that JPM was shorting everything to do with MF Global. I wouldn't dismiss that allegation due to JPM's inner nature of financial terrorism.
The thing to keep in mind when dealing with commodity futures contracts is that commodities have different rules than stock ownership. On the COMEX (JPM/CME - toilet) you can purchase futures on margin. When purchasing on margin you are subject to "hypothecation". What is hypothecation?
Well according to investopedia, it is "When a person pledges a mortgage as collateral for a loan, it refers to the right that a banker has to liquidate goods if you fail to service a loan. The term also applies to securities in a margin account used as collateral for money loaned from a brokerage." Furthermore, it goes on to say, "You are said to "hypothecate" the mortgage when you pledge it as collateral for a loan."
Well there you have it. The contracts that could not be fulfilled through a margin requirement increase where liquidated, despite what investors had in them for money. This should come as no surprise and that is why it is important to know what kind of financial terrorism that convolutes the JPM crystal ball COMEX. There are many people that are getting worried that this could lead to a complete takeover or liquidation of their own personal portfolios due to the disinformation or misinformation that is being propagated out there. When you purchase stock in a company you become a part owner of that said company - that company is partly your's because you can evidence your equity in it. He who has equity invested is entitled to redemption in equity. Basically, you can evidence something is your's if you evidence your investment and if somebody steals your equity, then you are entitled to equitable remedy from the other party breaking the law. Nobody can steal or liquidate your company or stock without you consenting to it, period.
It will be a while before the MF Global situation is worked out, it might even be years. We will see what happens. I do not forsee all of the money being recovered and it could be lost forever due to some "creative accounting" by the GS creature, John Corzine and/or JPM. The FBI, SEC, and CFTC are investigating the matter, but I think there will be some reluctance in the indictment of John Corzine and his associates at MF Global. I do not expect them to do any jailtime because the justice system in the United States is bought and paid for and there is a cancerous financial interest that runs rampant through it all the way up to Eric Holder and Elena Kagan, another Goldman operative.
The European Union is falling apart right now, but Angela Merkel is hellbent on keeping the idea - that's all anykind of government is, an idea - afloat and heading toward the frozen waters with perilous icebergs in it. Germany is in a position of major influence. The scenario is much like each nation state in the EU jumping overboard into frigid waters dying of hypothermia, but Germany seems to be surviving a little longer because they are wearing a thermal neoprene suit. Sooner or later, Germany has to get hypothermia and it seems it's well on it's way. The German finance minister, Schauble, and Merkel together, are determined to keep the EU going. They are using this opportunity with their hypothetical thermal neoprene suits on to gain dominance over the other nation states. In terms of keeping the EU operational, they must be unconstitutional in lending and the ECB has to receive bailout money from sovereign central banks and this is what Merkel and Schauble want to push on the people. They want the true sovereigns (the people) to pick up the tab for saving the EU, not necessarily the Euro currency, but the European Union in order to implement their control of their new world order - or at least their new european order. The continual drum beating of bond sales and the boasting of high yields on such bonds indicates that their ponzi scheme is about to collapse. It's bad enough that countries participating in the dog and pony show of the EU don't have any electoral procedure in the appointment of EU chairpersons, but they will become completely betrayed and taken over if this is allowed to happen by violating the German consitution for the appropriation of funds. More austerity and inflation are to come about and there will be a mass revolting across Europe as we have seen with Greece and Iceland. Member states must break away and become sovereign once again. The people of all Europe have a voice in Nigel Farage. Farage has properly determined that the EU was already failed once it began and has spoken out about the destruction of the middle class through austerity, poverity, and the transference of once democratic decision making to a beaurocratic oligarchy in the unelected designates of the EU - "the Brussels bunglers". In reference to the EU, Farage succinctly summed it up when he said that the EU "should be confined to the dustbin of history", I couldn't agree more. The EU just doesn't work and will never work. With no respect to Barosso or Von Rompouy, those two reprobates would just prefer that nobody had a say in their new totalitarian empire and are eager to push through devastating plans for the financial sector at whatever the cost because they are bought and paid for by the European banks.
Speaking of banker sociopathological financing, the Republican GOP debate on National Security was held last night. The focus was war, war, war, war, and more war. It wasn't narrowly confined to just Iran, but worldwide. The message of USA intervention in any nation that doesn't go along with the new geo-political neo-con agenda will be invaded and dictators, presidents, and prime ministers overthrown to further continue USA-led interests. The run for presidency by the GOP candidates with the exception of Ron Paul, is marked by fear mongering and war mongering because "the islamist extremist religions hate our freedom". Does this remind you of anything? How absurd it would be for the American people and the rest of the world to buy this message. No they hate you because you have retarded bought and paid for politicians who create wars, nation-build, and intervene in all sovereign countries' affairs with the use of the CIA, State Department, DHS, and heavy propaganda. If the American people bought this eerily similar message to that of the Bush/Cheney administration, I fear the US is over. 'Stick a fork in 'em they're done'. The continuity of government and media will eventually push the US over the edge into a state of martial law wherein the now militarized police will open fire on the American people in mass and will lead to the unlawful death and detention of many citizens. They would be stupid to do such a thing, but that's where things are heading - a descent into despotism and tyranny.
The Republican GOP candidates are further trying to gain support for helping and aiding Israel which is a nuclear threat to the world. Not to mention they are advocating racial profiling, increasing predator drone strikes in Pakistan, increased detainment based on said racial profiling, ammending the so-called "PATRIOT ACT" to a more draconian statute that seperates and perverts the rule of law from any kind of terrorist act, and the ever increasing threat of secret citizen assassinations. Whether it's the new favorite - Newt Gingrich, or Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, or Jon Huntsman; they are all pushing us to the brink of war. Thus, we are ever closing in on the "2 minutes to midnight" precedent which was set after the US and USSR each tested Hydrogen bombs within 9 months of each other. 2 minutes to midnight is a reference to the Doomsday Clock time where the likelihood of nuclear disaster was to occur, not to mention the hit single performed by Iron Maiden. Today's article combines this dire threat along with financial systemic circumstances worldwide.
Getting back to the Republican GOP candidates, they wish to steal votes from Ron Paul supporters with many mixed signals and contradictions in their own statements. Rick Santorum strategically said he agreed with Ron Paul in a blatant attempt to boost his popularity among supporters. Newt Gingrich said, "my friend Ron Paul" in a similar attempt. What they are doing is they are trying to give the impression that they are somehow empathetic and sympathetic to the virtues of liberty and freedom that Ron Paul supports in his belief structure. They are doing this because the American people are tired of giving up their liberties for government protection and it's no longer an easy sell with more and more waking up to the government-sponsored terrorism and color revolutions worldwide. They tried to link Syria-to Iran-to Al-Qiada-to terrorism to further intervention on a huge geo-political scale. This is the sound of alarm bells and should indicate to you that these psychopaths want to takeover the world and will continue to use "terrorism" as the pretext. Terrorism is so vague in legal defintion that it presents an immediate threat to the citizens of all countries. What about the banker terrorism that is going on? No mention of the need for war against them, how unfortunate. If Ron Paul doesn't become president, it will be time to move to another country that is safer if you are currently living in the US.
Amidst all of this turmoil with markets being down, there are a few worthwhile investments, not many, but a few and they are all to do with gold and silver related assets and oil. Oil will be under continual squeeze and dry supply with the threat of war. This is the primary driver in oil-related assets increasing. The manipulated market is coming to a bottom and should be baselining in terms of gold and silver pricing. This is an excellent opportunity to buy and accumulate physical coins and bullion. Eric Sprott, CEO of Sprott Asset Management, just submitted an order to buy $1.5billion to buy silver for the PSLV. This equates to about 10,000 contracts, approximately the same amount that JPM is reportedly still short. This will put a squeeze on physical and aboveground supply. When Sprott buys or sells it is a huge move and pushes the market to the upside because he delivers the physical unlike JPM or HSBC. If QE3 does not come, everything will fall in value to gold and silver. Even in down markets gold and silver still present that store of value that everybody needs in this day and age. If there is QE3, gold and silver will dramatically increase in price and value as everybody rushes for the exits from their paper currencies to the store of value. When they do this it will put a strain on already scarce aboveground supplies and will consequently create a large and long secondary stage of increasing valuation in gold and silver. We know the EU is toast, China has it's own inflationary problems and are buying mass amounts of gold and silver to curb that inflation, along with India and Russia. The USA is no better and is at a point of blackout in the market sooner than later. There is so much uncertainty fuelling gold and silver fundamentals that you would be a lunatic not to buy some as soon as possible. The ship is heading towards the iceberg and the skipper is drunk and asleep at the helm.
It is important to understand that the shares of stock are extremely undervalued right now and will produce the largest gains in comparison to the physical. There are many mining and exploration companies out there, but one must engage in due diligence to make the right investment. Look for companies that have management with proven track records, aren't frivolous spenders on exploration or production, and are based in a geographical region that isn't threatened by that particular countries' government. Governments in South America and across the world are ever-nationalizing mines and closing it out to the private sector. This is important to know when looking for a sound investment. As gold and silver appreciate, the mining companies will appreciate in value as well. Nothing else right now comes close, not savings, definitely not bonds, not recommended RRSPs-mutual funds-401Ks, or options. Nothing is going to come close to gold and silver related assets.
There is a new class of people in North America now. This new class is a class of people that are tradespeople, nurses, engineers, skilled laborers, business and finance people, etc. Who are they? They are the increasing number of employed homeless people who are continuing to suffer from the current situation. The number of these people will continue to increase. This is very, very unfortunate to know that these people are just like you and I. This could happen to anyone of us.
The clock is counting down and you have your "Y" in the road.
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