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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Illusions of Financial Stability

First of all, this article is long overdue and I would like to apologize for that.

Canadian Consumer Debt Grows, Gold and Silver Manipulation, Spending Up, Currency Swaps, and the Death of Kim Jong Il
Canadians have been accumulating more and more debt as the nationwide economy weakens. 

There is however an exception currently in Alberta and Saskatchewan with ongoing oil exploration, drilling, and production.  Saskatchewan is vastly becoming the major province of prosperity due to the ongoing oilfield activity.  Also, SK is experiencing a larger demand in housing as many people from other provinces are now looking for work and are working in SK.  Oil and gas service companies are limited in SK due to the current demand on the increased activity across the province.  It has become difficult to get service companies with oil companies waiting longer than expected to provide drilling intervention services as well as production services such as well fracturing and providing pipe.  Most of these services are still being provided by companies in Alberta with offices and service shops in the major centers of Edmonton, Red Deer, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat, and Calgary.  With most of the activity in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan, oil companies are not only having to wait extended periods for services, but are also having to pay more due to the limited supply of services and mileage charges coming from Alberta.  The blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline which was supposed to have gone through the heart of Saskatchewan has now forced oil companies to transport oil by truck from SE Sask across province into Alberta to facilities that can store, ship, and process the crude from the Bakken field.  Oil batteries are becoming filled rapidly and must be continually emptied as oil companies look to continue to cash in on oil priced near $100/barrel USD.  This has undoubtedly increased bottom lines and spending of the oil companies' revenue.  Although it may be sustainable with an oil price above $85/barrel now, there is definitely a need for facilities in SE Saskatchewan to be constructed as there is no evidence of slowing in the production and drilling of this field in the next 3 years.  This oil production is not limited to Saskatchewan alone, there are also still many areas that are experiencing heavy drilling in Alberta, Manitoba, and neighboring North Dakota which is proposing to abolish the state property tax due to oilfield revenues and state bank independence. 

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been heavily critical of President Obama's decision to block the deal of the Keystone XL pipeline and has "threatened" that Canada will sell it's oil to other countries instead of the US.  If this takes effect, demand in oil in the US could increase from it's supply being limited to Asian and Arab countries.  Of course this could be political showmanship as well, which it likely is. Canada is the largest exporter of oil to the United States currently.  This would make sense for the US to buy Canadian oil as the USD is currently higher than the Canadian dollar and will likely continue to be higher for the next year or so as European debt problems go unresolved.  This renewed faith in the USD is of course superficial, but just happens to be the illusion of choice amid current economic and financial woes for investors to flock to.  The USD is of course overinflated and will continue to be as we see US GDP decline and US debt continue to increase over the next 5 years unless Ron Paul is elected as President. 

Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has been on a recent surge in polls in Iowa as Newt Gingrich's interest drops.  Some polls suggest Paul is either ahead by a point or behind by a point, but one thing is certain is that Paul is gaining momentum faster than any other candidate in Iowa.  The establishment media is not used to the idea of supporting a presidential candidate who tells it like it is and isn't flippant.  They are currently trying to use every trick in the book to discredit Dr. Paul sinking to depths only the mainstream establishment media can.  Of course the mainstream media is owned by the same financial institutions and transnational corporations such as General Electric that feel threatened under Paul's proposal for transparency into Federal Reserve lending, subsidy, and carries trade.  This is why they are attacking him at every possible angle and are having a hard time trying to discredit him, so they simply are either just making things up as they go along or are trying to pervert his non-interventionist views on foreign policy and national security.  If Paul wins in Iowa it will further give him support needed to win in New Hampshire despite what NBC pundit and disinformation agent Rachel Maddow says about Dr. Paul.  Paul has been the most consistent candidate in the past 10 years as evidence by his platform and voting record.  If he doesn't become president then the US is headed for some rough depressionary times ahead as Canada and Mexico will likely see an increase in US citizens defecting to those bordering countries.  However, the current Obama administration is making it more difficult for US citizens to leave with legislation such as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the Patriot Act.  It is clear that if it becomes harder to leave the US that the establishment is preparing for chaos and economic peril as the threat of detainment camps are continuing to be built and actually opened.  This could mean that non-citizens in the US as well as foreign born citizens may be the first to be detained under suspicion without trial indefinitely, initially.  To understand what this threat means, some suggest that it will be gradually phased in and presented as a place to live for the homeless as well as provide the perceived illusion of safety for families who become impoverished and are left starving.  The camps will be sold as a safe place to go until they will become increasingly used to detain more and more political dissidents, writers, patriots, constitutionalists, etc. until many Americans become detained in mass.  This is how previous governments have operated around the world.  An oncoming and gradual decline in markets and economy is ever present and will likely last until 2013-2015 before a major economic collapse comes unless there is a run or bankruptcy of a large US bank such as Bank of America or JP Morgan Chase.

TD Bank has recently come out with a forecast on December 14, 2011 that shows Canada's economic outlook is dismal heading into 2012.  The report has concluded that "the unemployment rate climbed to 7.4% in November, after hitting a 3-year low of 7.1% in September.  Meanwhile, wage growth has not kept up with inflation, putting additional strain on Canadian households. Both businesses and consumers appear to be ending 2011 on a more cautious note."  They project unemployment will likely climb to 7.5-8% by the second half of 2012.  They have also made the case for .90CAD to 1USD due to weakening exports out of Canada to the US.  Unemployment is likely to be higher than 7.5-8% in 2012 unofficially and TD fails to present the very real possibility that the EU will be dissolved by the end of 2012 into 2013, possibly sooner.  There may be an increase in GDP in some nations for 2012, but it will be few and far between as China will see it's exports decrease as EU austerity and EU debt continue with demand for Chinese slave goods reduced as the standard of living starts it's sharp decline in Europe.  Wholesale, manufacturing, and utility GDP in Canada are expected to decline further as more and more businesses cannot justify increasing prices for their products in the jobless-growth economy.  This is going on while real inflation is outpacing income as more and more Canadians become impoverished and utility companies raise rates and fees over the winter months of 2011 into 2012.  British Columbia has been under a stranglehold of perpetual debt with it increasing from $33.8 billion in 2001 to $45 billion currently.  Ontario is by far the champion of debt in Canada as it has $190 in cummulative debt with approximately 4.5 times the population of BC.  Canada's private central bank, the Bank of Canada, is now focused on deleveraging, reconstructing, and inflation measures to maintain price stability according to the Governor of the BOC, Mark Carney in a statement published on Dec. 10, 2011.  It is apparent that he expects the potential of social unrest and the BOC is prepared to provide liquidity to failing markets in Canada if need be.  Once more giving the illusion that somehow you can solve the problem of debt with more debt in order to prop GDP up in order for people worldwide to invest in Canada.  Of course this is Keynesian economics and does not solve anything.  Most establishment rags in Canada still project there will be growth in 2012 albeit slow. 

About a week ago today, gold, silver, and platinum were attacked once again by TPTB in the US government amid MF Global uncertainty now that CEO Jon Corzine has been caught lying under oath about customer accounts.  Silver was reduced to $28.80 USD ($29.89 CAD) per ounce and gold being brutally attacked down as low as $1570.60 USD ($1624.90 CAD) per ounce.  They have both successfully baselined now and have returned back to the upward trend, naturally.  Amid global financial uncertainty TPTB felt they had to knock down the commodities, especially the precious metals in order to present to the world that the Euro currency crisis will be resolved soon and that the USD will be a safe haven for years to come.  They have done this in order to set a psychological barrier against the massive increase in investment demand and gold and silver brokers have seen very little people trying to sell their physical.  Buying has been up extremely high in the gold and silver physical brokerage and will remain high due to the public's awakening of the mass financial deleveraging and deflation and inflation woes.  When you have banks such as JPM, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank calling for $2500 gold and $65 silver by the end of the year, one has to wonder about their interest in positions and holdings and what they seek to gain or benefit from producing such information.  They have been deliberately discreditted to discourage investors from fleeing their currencies and paper assets to the real money in gold and silver.  There is the likelihood now that large numbers of people are uncertain of gold and silver related assets potential due to this psychological barrier that has been set, but it will be short lived as the end of January 2012 and February 2012 will show some large price increases evidencing the ongoing paper fraud and manipulation these banks among others are partaking in with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.  We know that currency swaps between banks such as the BOE, BOC, Fed, BOS, and others are taking place to provide liquidity to Europe while the citizens lose their purchasing power to the devaluing exchange of the swaps.  The BOC and the Fed have made it perfectly clear they will continue to see government and public spending increase.  Canadian household debt is currently overlevered at 151% of income.  Canadians are losing money as they have to spend more and borrow more in order to get by on their low wage earnings.

An unexpected death of Kim Jong Il, dictator of North Korea, has brought uncertainty to the Asian region as neighboring countries fear the implications of unrest, misdirection, and the increase of refugees.  Many North Koreans have been brainwashed by KJI and his government lauding him as savior of N. Korea in god-like fashion.  There will be many who are likely to feel helpless in N. Korea as they do not know of anything different as KJI brought guidance to his subjects, or so they feel.  It is a case of the Stockholm Syndrome at it's finest as KJI had absolute rule over all North Koreans.  There is some speculation that KJI was assassinated, but reports remain unconfirmed on this speculation.  One thing is certain is the fact that N. Korea is now leaderless, but the fears that Kim Jong Il's son may claim power over the country could spell disaster for the rest of the region and world. 

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