The author makes no delusions about what he is about to present. I do not conclude the following as concrete evidence, nor as theorem, but as indications of the dire consequences that the public faces.
Many of us who are informed, are also aware that there is a formula named after Hegel, called the Hegelian dialectic. We are currently seeing this being used to it's full effects as of late, both in economic and social matters. First, the issue of banking.
Bank of America, one of the largest "too big to fail" banks in the US, is insolvent. Their debt issues are beyond repair. Recently, they've raised transaction fees to $5 USD per transaction. It is my conclusion that they did not start this without knowing what they were getting themselves into. Why would they do this? Well, for starters, it's a way for them to try to cover their debts to increase their ability to further leverage themselves and make their bank more "elastic" in the derivatives market. They wish to run up as many derivatives as they can before they implode from within and have to go lobby their friends in Congress who are complicit in bailing them out. Anything to make a quick buck before the great stock market plunge. BOA knew that instituting such a decision would create a fearful frenzy wherein the public would start lining up outside of their branches to start demanding their money back and closing any accounts they currently have at BOA. Essentially, this is a run on the bank putting $1.9 trillion in deposits at risk. Many customers are being denied the right to close their accounts at BOA and there have even been some who have been arrested when they have tried to close them. As Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster and Lindsey Williams have announced, BOA, will eventually become nationalized. An offically government chartered and subsidized institution where the government dictates what you can and cannot do with your cash, savings, and investments. We can all see the indications that this may very well be true. They have also said that most of the large banks across the US will eventually become nationalized. With the debts running high from over-leveraging themselves in the derivatives market, Congress and the illegal alien in the white house, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, will use the banking crisis as a way to nationalize the banks through legislation. This will be done under the pretext of preventative measures taken in order to prevent another situation like this from happening. Of course, that will be their claim when in fact the globalists will use the coming crash to setup world government. The banks will go hand in hand with the current Obama administration on this move and they will have nothing to lose by doing this because a state-run bank will mean direct capitalization on demand anytime they want, via the Federal Reserve. When the crash does come, it will likely be after the 2012 election to give the public the impression that President O'bottom has done a great job, although there will be a large crash sooner, but the big one will come after the election. If there is another candidate the globalists prefer they will still wait until after that candidate is sworn in, that is my personal belief. We've seen this played out before previously. Since the war criminal George W. Bush was finishing up the last year of his 4 terms, Obama was brought in and provided massive bailouts and stimulus for the banks, directly injecting massive liquidity to which the public did not question it due to Obama's cult following and Black Friday fear mongering. If Ron Paul becomes President and doesn't become assassinated, we will not see him support such damaging fiscal policy even though the rest of Congress may bellyache and fear monger.
The world is in a point of no return from it's debts globally, and the US banks are no exception. The US banks have meddled into markets both domestic and foreign and have driven the world into a downward spiral as they push their financial vehicles known as, derivatives. Some have suggested that the derivatives toilet is more than it's studied and estimated $1.5 quadrillion! How on earth does the world pay for this mess? Well, Wall Street and the big banks have done just fine driving everybody into oblivious debt while once productive cities like Detroit, Michigan appear to be close to 50% unemployment. This is absolutely heinous in nature. When one produces, one should reap the rewards, but in the financial world, when one destoys and hedges on both sides, one reaps the rewards.
Operation Twist, which was created by Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve, has been a failure, or has it? It depends on which side of the pen you are on. The world is experiencing a major deflationary period in institutional lending, which has been freezing slowly. Could it be that Ben Bernanke and the rest of his clique of bankers and terrorists at the Fed may have an alterior motive to operation "Twist"? They may, let me explain. If the banks are deflationary in lending fearing a credit squeeze, but real inflation is around 11.4% in the US from the amount of money printing and easy credit the Fed has provided previously. We are currently experiencing a point where there is not enough currency and credit available to stimulate lending, but prices are rising. It's not like stimulus and bailouts go to production anyway. We know that the banks have used it to further leverage themselves while businesses struggle to get commercial financing. What am I getting at? Let's examine the major owners of the US Federal Reserve: JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo. JPM has the largest share in the Fed and this is why we see absolute collusion between their CME Group, which owns and oversees commodity and future markets, and Fed policy. Policy that benefits JPM and it's Fed colleagues, the evil empire as we should rightly call it. So, with this deflationary period, one must look at the influencers who own the Fed. Their problem is not a lack of capital, but debt. They allude to their problem as a lack of capital in order to bribe Congress for intervention into the market effectively outsourcing all fiscal accountability to the Fed! There is an inherent problem with this as anyone can see, plain as day! Bailout addendum via QE3 or QE3-hybrid of some sort is soon to follow to cover current financial and legal obligations to their debts and leveraging. It will mainly go to cover over-leveraged derivatives to free themselves up a little more to continue to run the table. Many of which are still operating in the mortgage-housing industry at full steam ahead, believe it or not. Pundits and 'presstitutes' in the mainstream media are trying again to encourage the public that the housing sector isn't doomed and that Congress, the Fed, and the banks are working ever so diligently on making things better and that real estate is still a good investment. How much of this crap will the public buy?
In Canada, the public is in a state of 'do we, don't we?' when it comes to purchasing homes. Location has a major influence regarding what buyers can and cannot do. For instance, many people in rural to moderately urban Alberta are still considering buying and selling homes as if they were a safe investment. The mindset is that Canada's financial sector is completely different than the US financial sector and that we are in a state of 'protection' and that the industry is 'solid' due to different regulations in Canada than those of our southern neighbor. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Many of those in Alberta have a higher standard of living than the rest of the other Canadian provinces due to the oil and gas industry. There are massive drilling projects across Alberta currently and the service industry is soon to follow after these programs. From the jist of what is being said about the activity, some are prematurely comparing it to the activity of 2006 and 2007. This has set an illusion into housing short term, but the long term effects of commitments and payments will certainly follow when property values plunge. There will come a time when the general public starts to realize this plunge as the mortgage to rent ratio becomes more realistic. Generally, as people have their homes foreclosed on, they need places to rent. The more this happens, the harder it will be to find places available for rent, but they will not carry the current rates.
The reason I said that the housing industry in Canada depends on location is because it is parallel to the current disposable income of individuals of that area. Thus, certain areas of Alberta are busy. However, if we look at Calgary and Edmonton, both cities are experiencing a drop in housing prices. We know for certain that Calgary and Edmonton have been hit at the same time as other cities across the country have. Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Halifax, and Ottawa have all experienced a post-summer downturn. This downturn is becoming the digressive realization of a bubble that is coming to a pop. The powers that be (TPTB) will try to prolong the real estate market for as long as they can by continuing to do business as usual. We may even see promotional offers with a few percentage points lower or the Bank of Canada may lower interest rates to stimulate lending before the eventual collapse. Subsequently, there will be a credit crunch after this. The banks in Canada are not capitalized enough to protect themselves from potential runs, but all of them are chartered. These banks include Toronto-Dominion-TD (CEO Edmund Burke, commitee Bilderberg member), Royal Bank of Canada-RBC, Bank of Nova Scotia-SCOTIA, Bank of Montreal-BMO, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce-CIBC. Under the Bank Act of Canada, there is no reserve requirement for these chartered banks to 'lend' unlike the United States and their fractional reserve system. No reserve requirement, period. This has been confirmed by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. Is this where Canadian politicians get their idea that the Canadian finance industry is somehow immune to the world's problems and is much safer? Maybe so, but it is completely stupid. The threat potential for monopoly and hyperinflation created by the banks is infinitly greater under a system without a reserve requirement. Also, one has to wonder what kind of intergovernmental banking structure is being set up by Stephen Harper and Obama in these trade talks which have been kept hidden from the public. The people and media have asked for details regarding these agreements and have been rejected by the Harper Cabinet, evidence of a fascist regime and the North American Union being established.
Recently, the commodities markets took a beating by JP Morgan/CME Group and the US government, especially the precious metals. On Sept. 23, 2011 the CME Group hiked gold margin requirements by 21%, silver 16%, and copper 18%. JPM and HSBC as well as a few others, were able to cover most of their naked shorts in gold and silver. They are still short somewhat and don't have as much to lose, but now they are going long and will experience more profit by going long and will be able to cover any cash settlements under CFTC trading rules, instead of settling in bullion. Media pundits such as MSNBC are still beating their drums that gold and silver were in a bubble and are no good for anything other than fillings in teeth and jewelry and are encouraging USD related assets (oxymoronic) such as treasury bonds. Chief commodities strategist at JP Morgan, Colin Fenton, was recently featured on MSNBC and claimed that JPM is likely to still go long on gold at their projected $2500 USD/Oz, but made an attempt to the viewers to claim that gold is not a store of value, but a barometer. Gold AND silver have always accounted for the expansion of the currency supply no matter what. In typical gangster fashion, Fenton revealed that JPM is looking for a hefty $4 trillion in spending by the unconstitutional Deficit Super Commitee (Super Congress) to prevent a further US credit rating downgrade. If the US is downgraded, then JPM as well as the other banks will have a more volatile market in which to hedge themselves. In essence, the banks prefer a more volatile market to continue to run shorts and options (both ways) and will profit even more. Fenton said that in the time that deficit ceilings and spending is raised, USD denominated assets should increase in price. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he's referring to inflation and maybe even hyperinflation by next year. The average TV viewer will look at this and see their USD denominated assets potentially increasing in price, but unfortunately they are losing any and all profits to inflation and their diminishing purchasing power.
The threat of another war is being hyped currently. The globalists have been trying to create a war with Iran since 2003, but haven't been able to. It may not have happened yet because of the Bush administration's Iraq and Afghanistan wars at the time and troop availability, but Obama has shown that he can have 5 wars going on and create more wars. The 5 wars include Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, and Libya wherein the US has troops and/or operatives in each country. The new potential for US occupation in Syria is very real, but Iran is the real prize they have their eyes on. The current geopolitical strategy is to use Israel to go ahead and attack Iran which would take the focus off of the Obama administration and the unconstitutional wars it creates. The other scenario is to continue to have more false-flag terror and assassination attempts and blame them on Iranian officials or to affiliate them with Iranian officials. We are all reminded of the "believed to be linked to Al-Qaeda" and such and such a country "aides terrorists" slogans, aren't we? Either way, whether Israel or the US attacks Iran, there will be a war with Iran. They will press for a war to the bitter end. Again, it may come after the election and in the meantime the US government may stage more terror attacks on it's people until that time comes to give the impression that Obama waited and that the US has been victim the whole time. The powers that be will use this war to create chaos and uncertainty in the oil markets to drive up the price (oil is traded in USD) propping up the dollar while Europe and the rest of the world unravels to their own financial destruction.
We have seen these creatures use crises to create a problem, there is a reaction to which the public outcries, and then government offers up the solution with media to drive it into the brains of the helpless people. It appears the solutions are perpetual legislation creation where the banks won't be held accountable and will become nationalized, all the while being allowed to carry multiple sets of books for the declaration of asset and liability allocation. Congress and parliaments throughout the world are creating a banking superstructure and that's what is coming out of the Soros funded 'Occupy' color revolutions. As the public demands stricter legislation on the banks, they will be so uninformed as to the real deception of banker loopholes that will be prevalent in the upcoming legislation. The statutes will be given names under guises of security, but most of the public unfortunately doesn't know that security means money is involved and not protection. This is what these bills will likely be along the lines of.
It is hard to try to deny that the longer the 'Occupy' protests continue throught the world, that the police will open fire on civilians giving rise to the excuse for martial law. Once protectorates of the peace they have been indoctrinated enough to believe that they are the neo-Gestapo, above the law.
My only hope is that the public can concern themselves with the right intelligent information to understand what is being done to them. Hopefully when the public informs themselves and his fellow man, he or she can offer better solutions to the current economic problems other than more bailouts, deceptive legislation/de-regulation, and war.